The Backstory~ Where it Started

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"Olivia's gay! Look, she's getting red! It's true, isn't it Olivia?"
"No, I am not. Just leave me alone." I whispered, my mouth trembling.
"What was that Olivia? Couldn't hear you over all the you."
The whole class, except a few, erupted at that last remark. I couldn't take it anymore; I broke down in tears. The teacher got back from the workroom in that moment, hands filled with a fresh stack of pre-algebra worksheets. Ms. McNeely's eyes glazed quickly over the classroom and stopped on me.
"What happened, Olivia? Are you all teasing her, what's going on?... I leave for one second and this happens..."
By that point, the class was silent. Lyman Middle School was really strict on bullying; if you got caught, you were in a lot of trouble. The only noise in the classroom was my muffled cry. I was too scared to tell the teacher what really happened and thought that I would have to spend the rest of my life like this. Being called gay. I didn't know what it meant, but apparently it was bad. To my surprise, I heard a small voice talk.
"Ms. McNeely, Jaylon wa-was making fun of-of Olivia. He was calling her g-gay. Most of the class laughed except me, Josie, Elaina, and Jaclyn." Skylyn's voice shook as she said this.
Of all people, I really didn't think Skylyn would stand up for me. She was pretty shy and tended to stay in her social group.
"Olivia, is this true?" Ms. McNeely asked.
I nodded.
"Well then, everyone except those four people and Olivia will be eating lunch in my room in silence and aren't allowed to go to the school carnival this Friday. Also, I will be speaking to Principal Rancoff about this disgusting behavior. Olivia, I'm so sorry for that, and if it happens again, I'll be sure they don't go to the school dance in April. Now, if we could finish our math period without a fuss, that would be great."
    The rest of fifth period was fine. I tried to focus on my worksheet but I kept thinking back to what happened a few minutes ago. Thankfully, today was B-day which meant that I would be having band for sixth period. I always looked forward to band because focusing on playing the drums always transported me into a...safer world where I wouldn't have to worry about being bullied, my dad's drinking problems, or being depressed...

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