Chapter Seven- World Class Guesser

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My eyes dragged opened every time I blinked. I stared blankly at my notes. At this point, there was no hope. A miracle would have to occur for me to pass my History of Video Production finals. In my opinion, the class was just a bunch of bullshit to be honest. Like, when am I ever going to use that futile knowledge in my life? Never.
The class distinctly reminded me of the History of Magic class at Hogwarts in Harry Potter. No wonder Harry failed that class despite being skilled enough to save the wizarding world and Hermione excelled, as per usual. In this situation, Skylyn was Hermoine, good at everything, and Harry was me, minus the whole saving the world part. I sighed. At least Hogwart's students didn't have to pay tuition or repeat classes as a result of failure. I did, so it would be smart of me to suck up the uselessness and staleness of the class and not add to my immense pile of growing college fees.
"How's studying going? I think you should drop it at this point; the sun's rising." Sky said tiredly in the darkness of the bedroom.
The only reason I knew it was her and not the bitchy ghost who kept eating my frickin' banana chips was because her laptop was illuminating her face.
"Um, it's going well. I think I'll go to bed soon. " I answered, my voice crackly from not speaking.
"Admit it, you've been staring blankly at your notes for the past thirty minutes. You're too tired to focus; it's time to sleep." She commanded.
I tried to resist, but realized she was right. I had been "studying" for five hours and still didn't know when the first film was produced. I was hopeless, and because of me Sky had been staying up to keep me company. If not for me, I would have to let it rest for Sky. For my situation, I would just have to pray to the Luck Gods and hope I made it out okay.
The Next Morning
"Liv! LIV!!! Get your lazy ass up, we're late! " Skylyn hollered.
"We are?.." I said grudgingly before I fell back asleep.
"Yes, we very much are. Class starts in 20 minutes, Olivia."
Sky only used my real name in dire situations. My brain registered what she had actually said. Oh my fuck, I'm so screwed. I propped myself up with my hand, despite my body wanting to lay here for 45 more minutes.
"20 minutes?" I asked, reconfirming my fear.
"Yes. 20 minutes. We're gonna have to run run if we want to be on time. " She replied crisply.
Sky was very punctual, and everyone who wasn't around her would have it. So I wouldn't be victimized, I put my hair in a messy bun (not the cute kind) and put on a hoodie to cover up my t-shirt's soup stains. My shorts would have to do; everyone would just have to deal with my hairy legs. If we were truly gonna have to run to campus, I needed the moveable-ness of comfy gym shorts that are falling apart as we speak.
Turns out, we did have to actually run to campus. Although it wasn't that bad considering our apartment was nearby the university.
I stumbled into first period a couple minutes late. My eyes grazed the class, and resulted in me easing. People were still filing in and thankfully Professor White was out running some copies or something. Soon after I sat down and prepared for class, she strutted in.
"Good morning, class. You may continue on the assignment you should've started last class." She eyed the slackers in the class as she said those last words; eyes sharp enough to cut. With this, I grudgingly started on the five page research paper about terms in filmmaking.
"Class, we are about to begin our History of Video Production finals. Do not talk or use the assistance of any devices or people....You may begin your examination." Professor Aborgin said sharply.
I clicked "Begin Examination" on my computer screen. I inhaled some air and released calmly. I started calculating how many questions I needed to answer correctly to pass. I read the first question and decided guessing would be my acquaintance today.
"The results should have been posted by now," I said, getting antsy.
"Relax, Liv. You'll be fine." Sky said, comfortingly.
All of my other finals results had been posted on the Instructure Canvas page. It was getting late, and I was tired of fighting the urge to fall asleep. I refreshed for the millionth time in the past hour. However, this time I saw an assignment being added, and my average changed. I looked closer; my eyes skimming the page for information.
History of Video Production Final: 160/200 pts.
Oh my fucking god. I actually passed. And that too with a B. Either I'm a world class guesser and I never knew it, or all those extra-credit assignments that Sky forced me to do finally paid off. Or maybe I was stressing about nothing this whole time. When was the first video camera invented? Idk. Wait, it was January 16, 1973. I wasn't that much of an idiot after all.
*Que satisfied hair flip*
"Sky! SKYYY!!! I passed the history thingy finals!" I yelled from the bedroom.
"I knew you would, Liv." Skylyn said while walking in.
I gave her a big fat hug and a kiss. With that, I shoved my laptop to the nightstand and sunk into bed, dragging Sky with me.

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