???? pov.
I-it's... cold, I cant feel anything... how did I get here?.... where is here... I-I can feel my self fading... ghha I... i need to get... out...
????: come on. Follow the sound of me voice lad, before it's to late.
W-who said that?... where'd that come from.
????: over 'ere lad hurry!
I feel my self gut pulled throw the darkness like I'm a feather in the wind.
Stoping a light flashes through the darkness and I see a skeleton impaled by support beams, in a instant my soul was thrown into it.
Pain engulfs my body trying to lift the
skull was hard enough... trying to push my self of the beams was even harder.????: come on lad we don' go' time for this shite! Figh' the pain an' le's go!
Putting the left hand of the skeleton I push with the little strength I've got let.
????: tha's i' lad come on.
The skeleton starts shaking as its head swing back and screams in pain, my pain... no flesh, no muscles... I can feel it all tearing away as I push my self off.
Falling to the side I see dust lightly push away from me from my breathing, in the distance I see a light with a shadowy figure.
????: yeh so close lad just a we pi' more.
Using my left hand and my stump on me right arm I start croling, every thing is just pain as I can see vain slowly form around muscle tissue.
The closer I get the more pain I feel as the flesh starts forming around my arms then body.
All that's running through my mind is fight the pain, just keep fighting the pain...
The figure reaches out a hand and with the last of my strength I reach out and grabe it.
????: there we go...
Grunting in pain I slowly open my eyes. The right side is slightly blurry but the left is fine.
????: what w-wrong with m-my eye?
????: don' freak ou' bu' yeh need to turn yeh head.
Slowly turning me head I see the figure of... what looks like a...... wolf!!!
Trying to get up from the bed sends sparks of pain through my hole body. My body gives out and falls down to the bed.
????: easy, lad easy. I just brou' yeh back from the grave, yeh body needs time to relax. Yeh eye is fine i' jus' needs time. Me names Scout bu' me friends call me Scotty.
????: not sure what my name is *Grunts*
Scotty: jus' rest yeh head and try to remember, I've delt with this shite before. It's no' fun I'll tell yeh tha'.
Looking at the sealing of where ever I'm at. Turning my head I see Scotty lowering a hoist, getting a closer look at him I see his left rear leg has a scar on it. Short snow white fur. he turns his head and I see his eyes, Light grey.
Looking to a night stand I see picture of a girl and a guy. Using my left arm I grab the photo and look at it.
At the top corner of the frame I see a little. Looking closer I read it. "I love you Devan"
Putting the photo back I slowly push myself up. Looking at my eight arm a sad feeling washes over me.
Scotty walks over to me and sits down.
Scotty: I only had the strength to bring back one thin' an' I thoug' i' would be best to being yeh eye back. Plus I think this'll fit yeh.
Scotty lowers his head and grabs something, lifting his head I see a robot arm in his mouth. He puts it beside my leg and looks at my stump.
Scotty: be warned i' 'll burn like a bitch an' a half.
Grabbing the arm I hesitantly put it to my stump, in one quick motion I shove the arm on my stump, the smell of my skin fussing to the arm. The burning of it almost bring me to tears.
Scotty: are yeh alright lad?
????: y-ya... *looks at Scotty* call me... Walter.
Scotty: I don't think tha's yeh name lad. I think it's Devan.
Walter: why?
Scotty: because the led in the pho'o looks jus' like yeh... beside the ears and tail o'course.
Struggling to sanding up I try and find a merrier, to my success I do. And when I look in the mirror my eyes widen.
Three scars from the beams, small cuts and some big ones. Looking to my head I see two brownish blonde wolf ears and a wolf tail, but I do look like the guy in the photo...
Scotty: I told yeh.
I like down and shake my head, I slightly look at Scotty and rub my right arm.
Wolter: I look like him but I don't remember anything... so until I figure out who I was, I'll stick with Walter for now.
Scotty: all right lad, *looks to the Garage door* we need to go. Pack what yeh need an' let's go.
Wolter: okay, give me a minute please.
Scotty nods and walks out. In the mirror I look at my robot arm and tey to move it, in quick succession i move it up and down and move the fingers individually.
Something ketchs my eye when I see skin slowly forming around the metal. Shacking my head I walk out. Finding a closet grabbing a light brown t-shirt I put it on, grabbing some of the clothes I try and find something to put them in.
finding a shoulder bag hanging on a chair's back rest I grabe it and put the clothing in side. Looking at the photo on the night stand I grabe it and put it in side.
I was about to put it on but I see a light grey trench coat I grab it and put it on a long with the bag.
Seeing Scotty sitting beside the trapped car gets my curiosity going, I find the keys and walk over to the car and pull the tarp off.
Scotty: it's no' me cup of tea bu' i' 'll do.
Wolter: I like it, its sporty... well let go.
Scotty looks at his paws then back to me.
Scotty: I don't go' thumbs... so if yeh please.
Wolter: right sorry.
I walk over to the car and open the passenger side door. Scotty jumps in and I put the bag in front of the seat. Closing it I go to the garage door and open it.
So many creatures in the distance, eating anything they'll get there claws on sends shivers down my spine. Just glad there not near us.
Walking to... my new car I open the driver door l sit down and close the door and start it up.
Scotty: I hope ueh know how to drive a six speed.
Wolter: we're about to find out.
Putting the car in first I rev the engine and take my foot of the clutch pedal.
RWBY: Electric Rose
AdventureThe son of Cole Macgrath has had enough of the killing and is going to finish what his father started. Kill the beast and save the world from the plague. But something happens on that journey that changes his whole life forever. I do not own Rwby no...