V4 The Dragon blade Part 1

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Wolters pov.

After probably a hour of searching for another entrance for this place we come up with nothing. That's a little bit of a piss off but what are ya gonna do.

Scotty: back to th' main entrance?

Wolter: I guess so. *starts walking to the entrance*

Scotty: wha's wrong lad?

My wolf ears drop down as I scratche the back of my neck.

Scotty: stop bettin' yeh self up abou' tha'.

Wolter: *looks at Scotty* how can I? I... I wanted to beat the absolute shit out'a you. Just thinking about it hurts.

Scotty crawls in front of me and sits down.

Scotty: then stop thinkin' abou' it, don' let wha' happen stop us from helpin' yeh. Jus' t'ink abou' it, the answers yeh wan' are jus' past those doors.

I give him a light smile before nodding my head.

Wolter: ya you're right, onward then.

Continuing to walk a strange sensation overwhelmes my body. It feels good, is this what Scotty was talking about?

Standing in front of the door I try to think of something to open the doors. But that sensation gets stronger and stronger.

The cracks and groves on the wood starts to glow a mixture of light blue and red.

Wolter: d-do you see the door glowing or is that just me?

Scotty: I don' see anythin' lad. Look aroun' maybe there's somthin' tha'll open i'.

Doing what he says I start look around the door closely. Seeing two hand prints I slowly move my hands to them.

Scotty: easy lad.

A strong force pulls my hands connecting them to the hand prints. At first there's nothing but then lightning sworms my body dropping me to my knees.

Trying to not cryout on pain for Scottys sake I look at my arms and get confused as my right arm starts to change. Not being able to hold in the pain I start to aggressively grunt in pain.

The lightning stops and the doors open I fall forward but scotty ketchs me with his body. He leans forward making me roll on my back.

Breathing heavily I look at Scotty and give him a thumbs up. Letting my head hit the floor I look at the roof of the temple.

Scotty: tha' looked painful lad, yeh all righ'?

Wolter: ya,ya I'm fine. *lightly waves righr hand* I just need to-oh my God what happened to my arm!?

Scotty: jus' calm down lad. Take a breather.

Trying to calm my nerves i look at my arm. Blue veins, black scales, claws. All where my metal four arm was.

Wolter: what is this thing?

Scotty: I'm no' sure lad.

I sit up and look at my dragon arm. I move my other arm to it and like that it starts faiding away leaving my metal arm.

Wolter: where'd it go? *rotates metal arm* just like that, how? *stands up* guessing you can't explain this?

Scotty shakes his head and starts looking around.

Scotty: listen lad. I've seen a lo' of thing's back in me old life. Bu' I've never seen a arm do tha' before.

Wolter: great, *sees skin slowly forming over the arm* time to find some answers.

Looking around the room  sporadically lights up revealing paintings of me i think.

Walking over to one i see me kneeling over some one screaming at the sky.
Feeling something slide down my check.

Rubing my check I feel tears... shaking my head I turn my head and see Scotty sitting down in front of painting.

Walking over to him and look at the painting. A hooded figure kneeling over a man with orange curly hair and in mechanic coveralls.

Wolter: who's that?

Scotty: the man on the groun' tha's... me. The man kneelin' over me 'is name User/Name, or Your/Name.

Wolter: really U/N? That sounds like a it came from a video game...

I look at Scotty and he nodes his head. Giving him a confused look I lift an eyebrow.

Scotty: i's a long story jus' tru's me on it. Yeh find anythin' abou' yeh self yet?

Wolter: I found a painting of me kneeling over someone in all black, but then I saw you sitting here. *looks at the hooded man* who was he to you?

Scotty slightly looks down and his ears drop down.

Scotty: 'e was like a son to me. 'e pulled me from a dark place an' help me back on me feet. If i' weren' for 'im I wouldn' be 'ere today. Anyway we're 'ere to help yeh, no' talk abou' me past.

Wolter: I'm not so sure about that, If your past is painted on the walls just like mine then that means its important too.

Scotty: *looks at Wolter* the though's apprecia'ed bu' I'm all righ'.

I slowly nod my head and continue walking down the hall, paintings of my past and Some of Scottys. It kind'f creepy that this place knows more about me then I do.

Wolter: what are we looking for here?

Scotty: no' really sure. Maybe a weapon, or a art'fact? Somthin' of value? who knows.

Wolter: you mean something like that?

I points to Highlander sword stabed in a stone over top it a dragon statu has its claw about ten feet over top it.

Scotty looks to where I'm pointing and nodes his head.

Scotty: ya I think so... gettin' some sword in the stone vibes from this.

Me and Scotty walk over to the sword, I look at it with confusion and put my hand on my hip.

Wolter: *looks at Scotty* um... what do I do?

Scotty puts a paw over his eyes and sighs.

Scotty: yeh never seen King Arthur before?

Wolter: King who?

Scotty: jus' grabe the handle and pull up.

Wolter: *shrugs* alright.

I move my hands to the handls and as I do my right arm starts to change again.

Black scales start growing along with the blue veins. The Dragon arm fully grows as I grab the handle.

My lightning starts to spark off my body as I start pulling up on the Highlander. The more I pull on the blade the more energy sparks off me.

It starts sparking from my eyes as two dragon wings shoot from my back, lightning sparking out of my mouth with every breath I take trying to pull the blade out.

Scotty slowly crawls away as I fall to my knees, the pain from the handle makes me raw in pain. Fighting through it i stand and pull up with all my strength.

As the tip of the blade comes out I swing it tomy side and scream to the sky.

Looking at the Highlander in my right hand I bring it closer to my face.

Wolter: mmmmmyyyyyyy......... bbbbblllllllaaaaadddddeeeee.......

????: to kill with....

Me and Scotty turn are head to see a figure at the entrance of the doors.

Scotty: i-i's you...

????: because that blade belongs to me and my new arm!!

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