Chapter 1

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Shit was different back then, nobody had to worry about what was what and who was who. Instead they focused more on important stuff like, education and work. I missed those days, I'm now stuck in a socially awkward generation. Where I'm classified as a, " unwanted-basically dead-worthless, piece of shit. " which I don't know, but was okay with me. I never really had much friends and my parents were always working. So me being the usual freak that I am, spent most of my time inside studying and reading whatever I could.

I guess I must have fallen asleep or some shit, because I awoke to a loud knock on my bedroom door. I cleared my throat before speaking,

" Come i-in. " I stuttered a bit.

The door opened and my mom peeped in, along with my dad behind her, they stood at the frame smiling down at me.

" hi honey, how's your studying going? " my mom asked still smiling.

" oh uh fine i guess. " I shrugged while looking down at a piece of paper I doodled on and then back up at them.

" good, good. Um I'm not sure if you were aware, but we found a new school for you. you start tomorrow. "

" Oh yeah? what's it called? ".

" Lake city high. ".

" Oh. " was all I managed to spit out.

She nodded, " well i think that was all we needed to really say, good night sweetie, get some sleep and take a break from studying! " she said before coming over and kissing my forehead.

I nodded and stood up, my dad walked over and kissed my forehead as well,

" night sweetie. ", he said before walking out the door.

I smiled for a while until they were gone and then shut my door, I slipped of my bra and shirt and slipped into a big sweater. I had some sweats on, and since those are really comfy, I just decided to sleep in them. I went to the bathroom that was connected to my room and another, and went to the sink and tied my hair up. I took my face wash out of the cabinet and squirted a gum drop size into my hands. I then began to start washing my face, after I was done I rinsed up and started brushing my teeth. After I was done in the bathroom I slid into bed, turned my lamp off and fell fast asleep.

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