Chapter 5

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As I stood there in front of him my thoughts began to race and the pace of my heart sped up like crazy. He sorta grinned at me while looking into my eyes, then all of a sudden a sudden shock rushed through me, and before I knew it. We were kissing. I pulled back and looked away, there goes my first kiss, and of course it's used on a total dick. He bit his lip, which caused me to get turned on a little. I checked the time on my phone and then whistled.

" What? " he says as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He offers me one, and I shake my head.

" It's 2:30, meaning schools out, and I don't even remember hearing the fucking bell ring !".

He chuckles and then exhales out a puff of smoke,

" look as much as i enjoy or little ' tea party ' i have plans and some where to be. so if you don't mi-. " I was cut off by him stopping me,

" you're going to have to cancel those plans babe, because i'm taking you out to dinner. ".

" Um i think not ? " I spat back.

" Great! i'll see you at 6 and wear something really nice, because we're going to the aquarium (restaurant). ".

I sighed, but before I could even say something he was out the bathroom already. I cursed under my breath as I begin to leave, as I was heading down the long halls I come across the guy that Harry told off earlier today in class. And this time he wasn't alone, the sudden feeling of pure scaredness creep into me again.

" Well, well, well, if it isn't miss smart ass alyssa. " He said as his friends chuckled and circled around me, suddenly I felt like I couldn't breathe.

" nothing to say now, huh? you think what Harry said to me phased me, well then you're wrong. " he said as he began to grab at my waist, suddenly I heard foot steps and someone shouting.

Yes! It was Harry. The guy's crew began to back away while, he was still holding onto my waist and kinda backing down. Harry walks up to him and punches him cold into the face, he then gets on top of him and pounds the living shit out of him,

" I told you not to fucking touch her or I would kick your ass! " he says as he's hitting even harder.

The guy's face had blood all over it and he had a cut lip and broken nose. Even Harry's knuckles were bloody,

" HARRY STOP! PLEASE, STOP! " I cried out.

Determined to almost kill this guy, he ignored me. I pulled at him but it didn't do anything finally I did what I thought would get him to stop.

" I'll go out with you! Just for the love of god stop " I cried out. That got to him, because he stopped beating the shit out of that guy and stood up.

He faced me and grinned, " Really? You will? ".

I sighed, " Yes!! ".

He looked back down at the barely conscious guy and then back at me, " alright, let's get the fuck out of here! "

he said as he grabbed my hand and took me along with him. I looked back to see they guy with a stream of blood coming from his face on the floor, and surrounded by his friends, who were frantically trying to help him. I looked back forward, and me and Harry sped down the steps to his b&w, and got inside, trying to escape the mess he had made.

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