Chapter 4

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The boy slowly backed down and went back to his seat, Harry turned around and went to sit behind me. He tapped my shoulder lightly, and I turned around.

" Are you okay? " he asked with a worrisome expression.

I was speechless so I just nodded, he smirked,

" Oh, by the way. i'm harry. " he grinned.

Before anything more could be said or done, the bell rang. Indicating it was time for us to leave and go to lunch. I slid the text book underneath my desk and stood up, sliding the rest of my stuff into my book bag. I zipped it up and walked out of the classroom, not noticing that Harry was following me. I turned and saw him,

" oh um, can i help you? " I said sorta awkwardly. ".

" Nah but you can show me where you are sitting at in lunch. "

people were stopping just to stare at us, which was getting in the way and starting to piss me off.

I sighed, " why do you care? " I spit out.

" So I can keep an eye out for you. " he chuckled.

" um well, i'm perfectly capable of keeping an eye out for myself on my own. thank you very much. " I said rudely, but not intending to.

He just laughed, " um no actually you're not, you don't know what the people here are capable of. especially the ones like I had to deal with today in the classroom. "

I gulped at the feeling of 'capable'. We soon entered the cafeteria and I took a seat at the end of a table a couple of people sat at. They didn't seem to notice me, until Harry had to come strolling in. I hated when he did that, especially when I don't need attention on me.

" what are you doing? " I say harshly, just wanting to be alone.

" well what do you think? " He chuckled, damn his laugh was cute.

" You said you'd keep an eye on me, not invite yourself to sit with me. ".

He pointed to a smaller muscular guy that was checking me out,

" if i hadn't sat here, you'd be his. " he said with a bit of a tempered tone.

" and?? what's so bad about that? " I said as I looked over at the guy.

" and i can't have that. more on the lines of, he can't have you. ".

" excuse me? who the fuck made YOU in charge of my love life?!?! ".

" Alyssa don't argue with me, please. " he said calmly.

" or what? are you gonna fucking threaten me?! " I said a bit louder than I wanted to.

" Now why the actual fuck would you think that?! " he said with an angry tone.

" hm i don't know harry, to be honest, i don't even know WHAT to think. i don't even know you, YOU don't even know me. yet you want to sit there and tell me who I can be with and who i can't and all that shit. and it's aggravating!! " I shouted, by then the whole cafeteria went quiet and all eyes were directed on us.

His eyes turned dark and I could tell by the lining of his jaw it was clenched and he was pissed. I looked around the cafeteria before running out and to the girls bathroom. As I got in there, a few girls were taking pictures of themselves, I ran inside a stall and locked the door. I took out my phone and started to text my mom.

To: Mom,

Hi mom, I'm not feeling so well, do you think you can come and pick me up? pleasee.

The message read delivered so I sat holding onto my phone waiting for a reply. A few minutes later there was a ring.

From: Mom,

Hi honey, what's wrong? i'm still at work, but if you text or call you're dad, then perhaps he can pick you up.

Before I could eventually reply there was a pair of guy shoes right outside my stall.

I sighed, " why the fuck are you in the girls bathroom and what the fuck do you want? " I said in an almost sassy tone.

" can you please unlock the door, i need to talk to you. ".

" Need or want? " I smart mouthed back. " need, please. " He sighed sadly.

" okay, are you going to be nice and not yell nor be controlling of my life? ".

It went silent for a bit, " yes " he finally said.

I sighed before unlocking the door and opening it. He stood there with his hands in his pocket and a pulled back smile, showing his dimples. I had to say he was beautiful. I walked to the sink, making sure to keep a distance just in case he ever snaps.

He looked at me with his beautiful emerald orbs and began to speak, " i'm sorry honestly, i shouldn't be so controlling of your life. it's just that i care about you, and I want to do everything i can to protect you from the douched bags at this school. " he said with a firm voice but with a sad expression.

I almost felt bad for him, but at the same time I sorta felt something for him.

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