section 20 - you're my beautiful girl

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Jungkook stood in the bathroom that night before bed, brushing his teeth, staring at himself in the mirror. He'd already washed his face, and once the makeup from shoots and being out was washed away, he saw his flawed skin underneath it all.

And he hated it.

He pushed out a heavy sigh, spitting out the remainder of toothpaste in the sink and rinsing, gargling mouthwash.

All of the sudden, he heard Yeri's voice from the doorway. "Look at that handsome man."

"Puh! You must be talking about someone you saw in a magazine because there are no handsome men in here," Jungkook said, looking at his surroundings. He dried his mouth on the towel, some strands of the hair above his forehead wet from him washing his face previously. "You're very funny, Yerimie."

"Oh, please, JK. Remember the other night when you let me call you the cutest man in the world? And you didn't say anything about that; didn't oppose."

"You only think I am when I have makeup on."

"No, I don't, Gguk! When will you just accept that you're naturally attractive?"

He rolled his eyes, turning off the light and walking out, past her. Jungkook collapses on their bed, breathing out. "You'll never understand. You're flawless no matter what."

"Okay, J. Whatever you say." She laid sat on her side of the bed, putting her glasses on and picking up her book. "Just because a couple little pimples or marks or scars are on your skin doesn't mean it decreases your worth or value or looks. I think it makes you more handsome. It pulls everything together in defining who you are. You wouldn't have gotten that scar if it weren't for you and Jung Hyun fighting over the computer. It's a reminder of old memories, right?" Yeri opened her book, shifting her gaze from her husband to the page she was on.

Jungkook smiled at the way Yeri moved her lips when she spoke, especially to make a point she was trying to prove. When she was determined or felt wronged or something, she would drag out each syllable at the end of her words, just like he did himself. She'd picked that up from him. But the way her lips went out and were sort of pursed but not as tight; she had always done that on her own. It was unique and adorable, just like her.

"You're very cute."

"Jungkook!" she said, looking over her book at him, lowering it so she could view him better. "I appreciate that very much, but that's beside the point. You're going off topic and avoiding the whole thing on purpose, aren't you? Yes, you are, Jungkook."

"I'm sorry, I just..... it's hard for me to think I'm good-looking. I see this face everyday."

"You see this face everyday, too," Yeri retorted, smiling a little after she said so, pointing to herself. "What are you trying to say?"

"No, not like that. It's just..... different. I've seen this face for over twenty years."

"Oh, so when we've been married for twenty years you'll be sick of looking at my face and think I'm ugly?"

"No!" he rolled over, laughing, his face on his forehead. "No. Omo..... sorry, this is more complicated to explain than I thought."


"Yerim," he whined, scooting his body up to hers and getting close, resting his head on her chest.

"Ow, Jungkook, you're hurting my boobs."

"Sorry," he said, giggling as he readjusted and buried his face in her hair.

"I know, the talk about boobs is so funny," she taunted, shaking her head while smiling. "What's so funny about that to guys?"

"It's not funny. The word is just....."

"What? Boobs?"

He bursted out laughing again, collapsing onto his pillow.

Yeri laughed. "What? Is it that funny to you?"

"Well why are girls so interested in guys' junk?"

"That fact that you call it that is just....."

"See? It is funny!"

Yeri kept laughing, putting her book down. "Let me ask you this, then. What's —"

"No, let me ask you this. Actually..... just kidding, I know the answer to that question."

"What? What was it?"

"Nothing," he said, laughing, reaching up and taking her glasses off and tossing them to the side, pulling her down on top of him. "You're so beautiful."

"Even with my pajamas on?"

"Uh, yeah." Jungkook met her lips with his, kissing her softly. He ran a hand through her hair, meeting eyes with her. "I love you so much."

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