chapter 2 | noise&boys

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THE MOMENT LILLY STEPPED INTO HER HOUSE, she heard her mother yell her name. "Shit", she thought, "and I'm going to get yelled at. Again." Soon enough, all 5'2 of her mother walked into her view, her attitude and personality enough to make up the for the lack of her height. Lilly could almost see the steam blowing out of her ears. "Dove sei stato?", her mother yelled in angry Italian. Valentina Caravosa was a small italian lady, height-wise, with a large mouth full of angry Italian words. Eighty percent of the time, she was either yelling at Lilly, yelling at something nonliving, or yelling, in general (mainly at the TV). It was not fun to be under the same roof as her.

"Mamma, I was just at the pool! I even told you where I was going," Lilly was getting annoyed. God forbid she enjoy her summer. Her mother crossed her arms and stared at her. 

"With a boy, credo?" Lilly's cheeks started to heat up. She could feel her mom's accusations through her tone.

"No! Mamma, you're embarrassing me. I'm going up to my room." And with that final sentence, she turned around and started up the stairs, not wanting her own mother to read her mind and realize that she, indeed, had been with a boy.

 If almost getting run over by someone counts as that. 

As soon as she walked into her room, she changed out of her (now dry) suit, and quickly threw on a loose shirt and some shorts. 

Who cares if she looked a mess, it wasn't like she was planning on impressing someone anyways.

As she lay on the bed, thinking about the series of events that had happened today, she heard her phone ring, the familiar sound filling up the silence and quiet of the room. As soon as she saw who the caller was, she smiled,and picked up her phone with a bright "Hello?". Then, she proceeded to hold the phone at least arm's length away from her ear, as the person on the other side screamed out a "LILLYYYYYY," dragging out the "Y" for quite a few seconds. After Lilly was sure her friend had stopped screaming, she brought the phone close to her ear again, giggling as she greeted her best (and only) friend, Diana. 

Diana was a very bright and spontaneous girl, always looking for adventure but always ending up in some sort of trouble. They had met at an early age of 9, when Lilly was picking flowers and playing with her mom on the playground and Diana accidentally ran into her, subsequently tripped and broke her finger. Lilly felt so bad, that she even went to the hospital with Diana, hoping everything was alright. And right after they walked out of the hospital, Diana, with a wrapped-up pinky,dragged Lilly with her other hand to go get ice cream. And that was how they became such close friends, always bonding over ice cream and books. 

But this time, Diana had called not for ice cream, nor for books. 

"Lilly, darlinggg, you won't believe it," Lilly listened intently to Diana's voice," there's a party tonight! A party! A real ass party! And guess what the best part is," Lilly heard Diana's giggle, as she continued, "There's gonna be quite the variety of boys there. Yanno, I even heard those Kingston boys were coming. The rich, white ones. Hopefully I'll get a sugar daddy tonight." Lilly rolled her eyes at Diana's interest in boys. And money. "And why are you telling me all this?", Lilly knew that Diana loved parties, but she wasn't the same.

"You silly goose, 'cos you're going with me! It's the first day of summer and we're gonna have fun. F-U-N, fun!" Lilly sighed into the receiver, she wasn't really interested. But when a certain boy popped into her memory, well, maybe she thought she'd give that party a go. She just hoped he'd be there. 

"Alright Diana,count me in."




diana got her mf priorities straight amirite?

also, i 'm "working on" an aesthetic for diana, i havent started yet but dw yall i gotchu.


"Dove sei stato": Where have you been?

"credo": I believe, I think

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