chapter 4 | sunsets&elliots

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SHE FELT HIS SOFT HAND AGAINST HER OWN. The fact that he was pulling her through the crowd gave her a sense of uneasiness, not knowing what to do about the fact that they were holding hands. She was definitely overthinking this, hoping her hand wasn't clammy or sweaty or disgusting. As they weaved through the crowd, Lilly looked for Diana, and as Diana caught her eye, she smiled slyly, motioning to the boy and winking. 

Lilly rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.

And when they finally walked out the door, she took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh summer air, a slight breeze tickling her skin. She closed her eyes, and before she opened them, she heard his voice whisper, "I'll race you to my car," the hot breath fanning over her face.

And when she opened her eyes, he was already halfway down the lawn, his car a house or two away with his face turned around to look at her, a grin taking over his face. He scrunched up her nose and yelled "Hey, that's not fair", but it was no use.

And so she sprinted off after him, her hair flowing behind her, thankful she was only wearing some sneakers and a simple fit. As she ran after him, she felt herself feel free, and a small laugh bubbled out of her.

It's been a long time since Lilly felt truly free. 

And finally, when she reached the car, there he sat on the hood of it, his shoulders heaving up and down from all the running. Lilly quickly leaned beside the door, her chest moving up and down from all that exercise. 

"I am out of breath, my goodness. I'm so out of shape," she complained as she slowly felt her heart beat slowing down. When she looked over at him, she saw that his face was slightly glowing, his cheeks a little bit red. She leaned her head against the to of the car, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Her stomach grumbled a little, after Lilly just now realizing that she didn't have anything to eat. She looked over her shoulder at Colby, her smiling slightly and saying, "Shake Shack?"

He thought for a while, before hopping down the car and saying to her, "Hop in, I'm feeling hungry too."

And in that moment, a full smile took over Lilly Elliot's face. 


While they were driving towards the nearest Shake Shack, a thought crossed Lilly's mind. She turned to look at him, before murmuring "I never asked you for your name."

He turned his head slightly, but his eyes didn't met hers. 

"Colby," he replied, "and yours?"

"Lilly. Lilly Elliot." She almost felt bad for not telling it to him earlier. As she leaned back against the seat, she felt as if the quiet was too overpowering. And Lilly leaned forward to turn on the radio.

As the radio turned on, she felt the familiar noise course through her body, and she started humming along to the song. Colby turned to look at her, and he smiled before speaking.

"I never took you as a Journey fan." 

She simply nodded before replying with "I'm not. It's just that I relate to this song, yanno? I'm just a small town girl after all. And you bet that I want to get out of here." She started singing the lyrics softly. 

"Well I guess I'll be your city boy born and raised in South Detroit?" He looked over at her before singing the lyrics as well. Lilly laughed, and Colby joined in. Soon enough, the two of them were blasting the song and yelling the lyrics at the top of their lungs.

Lilly hoped this would last.


After going to Shake Shack, they were now headed towards Mulberry Park, the quiet and peaceful park that was near Lilly's neighborhood. She often went to the park as a child, and not a lot of people knew about it, since it was almost hidden behind some trees. She directed Colby to park near the convenience store nearby, before hopping out. She looked around, noticing the sun beginning to set, and she quickly pulled Colby out of his driver's seat. "Come on," she urged, "I know a hill to watch the sunset. It's absolutely gorgeous."

And soon enough, she was running towards up the hill nearby the park, the burn in her chest only encouraging her to get there faster. She looked back to see a tired (but still handsome) Colby running after her, his eyes looking around to see where this place was. 

When she finally reached the top, she sat down in the grass, leaning on her hands behind her, and looking out at the sky. She could see the perfect melody of oranges, and yellows and pinks, the colors flowing together as if they were a harmonic piece of music. She felt Colby sit down beside her, and she didn't have to look over at him to see the adoration and wonder within those blue eyes. She heard him softly breath in, and she whispered, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Colby hummed in agreement. They sat together, breathing in the summer air, feeling the cool wind on their arms.

Lilly saw the same sunset for almost 10 years since discovering this place, but never has she once gotten tired of it.

She continued, "I used to go here as a child. I actually discovered this park one day, while I was wandering all alone. This is like my secret place." Lilly felt as if she was confessing a secret.

Colby turned to look at her, his blue eyes catching her brown ones. She could get lost in those eyes.

"I guess you could say it's our secret place now."



sorry for such a long wait but homework was killing me!!! and i got that diana aesthetic up there ahaha ayeee

and some extra writing for the long ass wait

plz vote and comment down below who ur fave character is so far!!! i love diana lol she is a whole ass MOOD

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