Friends? (Chapter 4, Interrogated)

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(Nobody's P.O.V)

Yin woke up not long after she fell asleep, she couldn't sleep. All these different thoughts rushed through her mind, 'What'll happen to me?', 'Will I be able to escape?', 'What'll he do to me?'.  She realized she wasn't laying on metal anymore, she looked down and saw an oversized blanket, did Soundwave bring this? Yin did recall Soundwave typing about how he would bring her stuff from her room here, and this blanket was temporary. Yin sat there, staring at the metal wall when suddenly, something dropped in. She jumped, it was that weird bird thing that followed her and Miko. "U-uh..." Yin tried to say something, but couldn't think of anything. The bird flew closer and laid next to her, can it get tired too? She checked her pockets and found her iPod, she put on relaxing music so they could both sleep. And that's what they did.

(Soundwave's P.O.V)

I went to the command center to get a few mechs to create a room for me to finally interrogate Yin. I recently informed Megatron about this and he approved the mission. I walked through the halls back to my office when Starscream came up to me. "Soundwave, do you have the information?" He said, wait.. what infor- oh.. "Statement: Negative." I said, I completely forgot about that, but how? "WHAT?! This is unlike you, Soundwave, I am disappointed." Starscream crossed his arms and glared at me. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE AND GET TO IT!!" He yelled, glaring at me one more time before strutting off. What an idiot, doesn't he know how much work I have had these recent cycles?

I made it back to my office, and opened the door. I walked in and it closed behind me. When I sat down to work on the job Starscream gave me, I heard a small noise. It was so small, I could barely process it. I traced it back to the box under my desk, was it Yin making that noise? I slowly kneeled down, pulled the box out, and looked inside. There, recharging in it, was Yin and Lazerbeak. Didn't I tell him to go on patrol in the desert earlier? What is he doing with her here? It seemed I forgot to search Yin, because in the middle of them was a small device, possibly the source of the noises. I decided to take a picture of the two, since it was quite adorable. I carefully reached in and pulled Lazerbeak out of the box.

(Yin's P.O.V)

I woke up, again.. what now?? I looked up and was face to visor with Soundwave, I got up and stared at him, not sure about what I should say. Then a voice message came from his giant computer, "Soundwave, the interrogation room is ready." I was scared, was that for me? I was so deep in thought I didn't realize him reaching in to grab me. When I came back to reality, it was to late. He picked me up and stood. "W-woah, c-careful please.." I said quickly, which made it sound kinda pathetic. He lifted me up to face him, "Statement: Careful it is, then." He said, wow, that's kinda nice of him to say. We- actually, he walked out of the room, and started down the hall.                                      
                                    Time Skip Brought To You By Memes

"It's been forever, how much longer..?" I sighed, obviously annoyed. Soundwave finally stopped and turned to look at a door. He opened it and walked inside. The room was dark, the only light was from the hallway and the middle of the ceiling. The door closed and I looked around. There was a table with what looked like painful tools. I shuddered at the thought of their use. Soundwave held me up in the middle of the room. "Command: Lift arms." He said, why do I have to do that? Well, better listen to what the giant robot says. So I did, I lifted my arms and what seemed like lazers came from the ceiling to hold my arms in place.

"WoAH-" I couldn't even finish my sentence when Soundwave let go of me. So.. now what? I looked up at him, scared. "A-are you going to hurt me.. with those?" I looked over at the table and back at him. He shook his head, no. "Statement: Negative." He said, I was relieved but confused. "Then why are those there..?" I looked back over at the table. "Statement: Avoiding suspicion." He said plainly. This made me feel more safe. But, why not use them? 'Suspicion?' That's weird. He came closer to me, like he's staring into my soul. "Question: Where is the Autobot Base?" He asked me. "To be honest, I don't really know.. they used a portal to take me there, and I've only been there once.." I replied. He backed away, he noticed I was telling the truth, I think.

(Soundwave's P.O.V)

I realized how terrible this would go, she was telling the truth. She had only been there once, and Lazerbeak laid witness to her and the autobot using the ground bridge.. scrap. Getting information, if she has any at all, would be a challenge. "Question: Autobot weaknesses?" I said, hoping for the best. She hesitated, this time she new something. I got closer to her, and said even louder, "Question: Autobot weaknesses?"
She hesitated again, then said something, "Th-the only one I know about is.. humans. Human hostages can make them become easily manipulated.." I could tell Yin felt bad telling me this, since she was friends with one of their human pets. So, in turn for her information, I patted her on the head and let her go.

(Yin's P.O.V)

Being like this was embarrassing enough, but patting me on the head?! I just stared at him. "Statement: Good pet." He said to me, then that smiley face came up on his visor.
"P-pet?!" I just couldn't stay silent, and regretted it immediately. "Statement: That's What you are now, a pet." He replied. I wasn't really satisfied with that sentence, but I'll take it for now. I swear, if he was my size, he'd be so dead. I wasn't even realizing it, but I was pouting. Soundwave played a recording of a crowd laughing, which made me jump. He then pressed a button and the lazers retreated. "WoAaH-" Soundwave caught me before I could fall.

"D-d-don't do that!" I yelled at him. Soundwave put on a frown because of this. It quickly disappeared when the door opened. "Soundwave, how is our new guest?" He was huge! He was mostly grey, and a bit of purple. Wow, scary.. "Statement: Extremely cooperative." Soundwave said to him. He smiled at this, "You didn't even have to use our tools to get information? What a coward!" I looked down, he was right.. I was kind of a coward at times. "Anyways, I presume you've decoded a new location by now?" Soundwave nodded, then, this flat hologram appeared in his other hand, and gave it to the grey robot. "Nicely done, I will be checking in tomorrow." Soundwave nodded again and left with me in hand.

                             Yet Another Time Skip Brought To You By Memes

"Are we there yet..?" I asked him for the bazillionth time. Finally, we came across a door he recognized as his office. He walked in and placed me on the table, sitting down in his chair. Turning on his monitor, he played back the recording and edited it to make me look more scared and him more violent. Why was he doing this for me? All the other robots here are rude and loud, and he's nice.. and gentle.. "I.. want to thank you, for.. not hurting me." I said to him, and he paused. "Statement: I would never hurt my pet." And then he put that smiley face he puts on way too much for me. Then, he put his hand in front of me, like last time. I got on, and he lifted me up slowly to face him. "Statement: You're an adorable pet, I'll get to feed you, dress you, care for you, and get to accompany you everywhere you go." Soundwave said. "..wh.." I couldn't even process what he said before he put me on his shoulder.

                                                What.. what did he say?

Friends? (Soundwave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now