Friends? (Chapter 7, Mission)

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(Yin's P.O.V)

I woke up, and Lazerbeak was gone. 'Maybe he's busy', I thought. I got up from bed, and walked toward the dresser. I changed into different clothes, a white T-shirt, black jeans, grey sneakers, and a grey jacket. I took a cookie from my desk just in case, and climbed up the ladder which Soundwave gave me to get out of my 'room'. I looked around the office, and nobody was there. 'Where did he go..? Maybe he's busy, I should use this time to think..' I thought to myself. 'Yesterday, Soundwave acted strange toward the others, I wonder.. if he might have been jealous..? No, it can't be, he only thinks of me as a pet..' I let out a sigh, and waited for Soundwave.

Then, the door opened, and there he was. I could tell I was blushing, but I didn't say anything. "Uh.. Sounders, where were you?" Soundwave kneeled down to my height, "Statement: I have a mission to complete, meanwhile, you will be staying with.. Knockout.." He said, and proceeded to pick me up. "Oh.. what's the mission? Why.. can't I come?" I said, and he put a sad face on his visor. "Statement: Too dangerous for you, I don't want you to get hurt." Soundwave replied. He walked out the door with me in hand. We went to the med bay, where Knockout and Breakdown worked. "Oh, Yin~! I heard you were coming~!" I heard Knockout say, and I smiled. "Nice to see you too, Knockout!"

I could tell Soundwave was getting annoyed.. for some reason. Knockout grabbed me from Soundwave, and placed me on the table. Soundwave pulled Knockout away from me and said something in another language. I didn't know what he said, but by the way he said it, I could tell it was intimidating. Knockout backed away slightly, seeming taken aback. "A-alrighty then, she'll be in one piece when I give her back to you, promise." He said shakily. Soundwave looked at me, then at Knockout, and nodded. He then walked out of the med bay after waving goodbye to me. I waved back, but he had already left the room.

"Sooo.. Knockout, what is it that you do?" I asked, and Knockout gladly said, "I fix wounded Decepticons, I'm what you call... a.. doctor, was it?" I nodded to his question. This conversation became boring quickly, so Breakdown said something, "Hey, Yin, wanna know HOW we fix 'em?" I nodded, smiling. The next few hours were of different questions and answers about what they do in different situations. Then, three Cybertronians walked in, two of them holding one up. "Sir! 541 is hurt!" Breakdown quickly ran up to them and took '541'. He placed him down on the table, and called out to Knockout.

Knockout picked me up and placed me on a different table to the side. "There, now you get to see us in action~." He said, before dashing toward the hurt mech. It was a bit too much for me, so I stopped watching. Screams echoed though the room, so I had to cover my ears. This went on for at least half an hour, before the screams stopped. I turned, and looked at them. 541 was sitting up, he let out a sigh of relief. His friends helped him up, and thanked Knockout and Breakdown. When they left the room, Knockout and Breakdown high-fived. "Well, it seems we did another great job~! Don't you think, Yin~?" I nodded and smiled.

A few more hours past, and there was no sign of Soundwave. It was getting a little lonely without him. 'I wonder what he's doing, when's he coming back? I should ask..' I thought, so I did. "Hey.. Knockout, when's Soundwave coming back?" He thought for a second, "Hm.. you know, he should have been back by now, it was not long of a job..." he said, and I got a bit worried. A few more minutes past, and nothing. Until, all of a sudden, Lazerbeak burst through the door, his camera damaged slightly. He landed next to me, and played a poorly made recording. "Ra-chet, o-open the gr—-ound bridge, and keep th-e humans at a-a saaa-fe distance. We are br-bri-nging back a Dec-epticon pris-oner." He then showed a picture of Soundwave tangled in wires, surrounded by the Autobots.

I was still shocked by Lazerbeak bursting in, "Did.. did they capture Soundwave?!" I yelled out. Knockout was whining about the door, while Breakdown just froze. He picked up Lazerbeak, and went to fix his camera. All these different thoughts rushed through my head, 'Why did they take him?', 'what will they do to him?', 'when will he come back..?'. I knew I couldn't do anything about it, and it hurt. Sounders is all alone in who knows where.. and I can't help him. The broken door opened, and there stood Megatron. "Where is Lazerbeak? He has to locate Soundwave, and quickly." He said seriously. Lazerbeak flew up and over to him, and they both walked out.

My mouth was wide open, "What'll happen to Soundwave..?" I asked Knockout, quietly. He paused for a minute to think of an answer, "I'm.. not sure." He said sadly. I felt even worse when he said that, 'I hope Sounders doesn't get hurt..' the hours went by, and the med bay was silent. You could almost hear a pin fall and hit the floor. Then Breakdown suggested we go for a ride downtown. I was excited, it would be the first time I went out since Soundwave took me here. So we left, taking the 'ground bridge'. They both transformed into their car forms and Breakdown let me ride with him. It was a little fun, but.. everything was numb. Without him.

(Soundwave's P.O.V)

I onlined myself in an unknown area, could this be the Autobot base? I struggled in the restraints, looking around frantically. I heard one of the Autobots say something, but I didn't listen. I knew they were after information, and I knew what I had to do. I had to erase my memories of all the recent information I had collected, only Lazerbeak could restore them. It pained me to know that I had to erase all my memories of Yin aswell.. but I knew it would be temporary. Erasing my feelings for her.. her face.. her voice..


                                "Soundwave, superior. Autobots, inferior."

Friends? (Soundwave x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now