8. Not What I Asked

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"Brandon went to get Lou?" Wyatt asked. They were sitting in the backyard and Callie was practicing guitar while he listened.

"Yeah, she's perpetually late though so, I wouldn't hold your breath on them getting back anytime soon" Callie went back to her playing,

"So what's the plan?" Wyatt asked, he was nervous about this. He didn't want to let on that he was nervous but being around Callie and Brandon made him nervous and insecure in a way that he hated to feel insecure.

"Bowling? I think," Callie's eyes stayed on the strings as she began plucking artfully,

"You're getting really good," Wyatt said nodding toward the guitar, Callie shook her head,

"I keep messing up this slide," she shook her head, "Doesn't matter, I'm going to go put this upstairs,"

Brandon pulled into the driveway of his house with Lou in tow and pulled out his phone to text Callie that they were here.

"Wait-- I need to go to the bathroom," Lou said unbuckling herself and then getting out of the car. Brandon followed her inside and took a quick look around.

"Callie! Let's go" Brandon yelled, Wyatt came in from outside,

"She's just putting her guitar away," Brandon nodded,

"She get the slide yet?" Wyatt shrugged

"According to her no, but she's sounding good," Brandon nodded,

"She practices a lot," Brandon responded,

"Who practices a lot?" Lou said to Brandon coming out from the bathroom, and sliding herself under his arm,

"Callie and her guitar" she nodded and a second later Callie came downstairs,

"Sorry Mariana was having a "crisis of clothing" whatever that means" she took a cue from Lou and latched herself onto Wyatt, "We ready to go?"

"Let's do this" Brandon said pointing towards the door,

Brandon held the door open for Lou, then Callie, and finally Wyatt.

"You sure you don't mind driving?" Wyatt asked as they walked to the car, he started towards the backseat before Lou stopped him,

"No Wyatt, you get the front, longer legs and all. Callie and I will be taking the back," Wyatt and Callie raised their eyebrows at each other and with a smile and a shrug Callie took the seat behind Wyatt and Lou took the seat behind Brandon.

Brandon plugged in his music and while they would have been fine to ride without talking... that's not how Lou rolled.

"So how did you guys meet?" Lou said gesturing toward Wyatt and Callie. Wyatt tilted his head at Callie as if prompting her to tell,

"Um," she tought back for a minute, "When I first got to Anchor Beach he was the only person who wasn't like entirely freaked out by me," Lou looked confused, "Mariana let slip I'd been in juvie," Lou looked surprised,

"I never would have guessed," Lou said now nodding her head as if giving a new found approval to Callie

"Yeah, I caught her interest with a stellar pick up line about her rap sheet and tattoos," Wyatt said now smiling at Callie,

"So yeah, um we started hanging out a lot,"

"But not actually dating," Wyatt clarified, Callie rolled her eyes,

"Pardon my hesitation, but The first time he took me out," Callie said now turning to Lou, "The cops were called on us for breaking and entering, and Brandon had to pick us up,"

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