15. Lies

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Brandon stood in the honeysuckle soaked alley behind his house. He had seen the light in his moms' room go off about ten minutes ago. He needed to see her. He needed to let her know he was okay. He couldn't know exactly what she was thinking-- but he figured she had doubts. He paced up and down and texted Callie: 

"I'm here"

About ten minutes later he heard the door shut. As he heard footsteps approaching his heart pounded solidly in his chest, he faced the walkway and anticipated the moment Callie would walk through.

Callie took a breath before walking through the gate. What could she say? What would she say? The stress weighed on her heart-- she loved him but he didn't need this. Brandon was finally in a seemingly good place, she couldn't be the reason his life fell off track, she refused to be his addiction-- though it seemed he was hers. No he wasn't, not anymore, she had walked away from him when it couldn't happen, this was going to better, they were going to think about it this time. They were going to be practical and responsible. She let her breath out slowly.

When she walked in she could feel Brandon's eyes on her, "Bran--" Brandon's lips were on hers. And in that moment there was nothing else. Every worry, every thought, flew out of Callie's brain. Everything seemed to become foggier and more clear at the same time. As usual, Brandon brought her a paradox of emotion.  When they parted Brandon tilted his forehead to Callie's. 

"Before you say anything, I know that was reckless, and I'm sorry. I just--"

"Sh," Callie responded shaking her head, "Its one of the reasons we work, you just know,"  she smiled up at him,

"Still, I just wanted to check on you after everything yesterday, are you okay?" Callie smiled sadly up at him,

"I was thinking about last winter, the night that everything happened with you and Dani. I saw you that night. At the dance  you told me you were still in love with me and I saw this side of you that wasn't you. I got scared and I over heard moms talking and they were trying to figure out 'what happened to their son,' and all I could think was 'me' I happened to you," Brandon tried to protest, "No, Brandon, I came into your world and turned it upside down, you snuck out, you lied to your parents and I don't even know what else,"

"Callie, that was--" 

"True, and that night when I came over I needed to be sure that you were okay. And when you told me you were, or that you were going to be, I believed you and I left," she took a deep breath, "Then you got drunk, and weren't in a good place, and then she-- It was my fault Brandon. Then you got beat up... and your hand," tears were forming in her eyes, "You are my best friend Brandon, I've always told you everything-- even the stuff I didn't want to. I get why you didn't tell me it makes sense, its just who was there for you? And I realized, what if this goes south again, who would be there for you? What if--" Brandon put up his hands,

"Callie-- before when this happened," he started again, "I'm not a guy who has a lot of friends, I know people but I'm not the type of guy who has a lot of friends. When we met, I was with Talya, and so all of my friends and everything were wrapped up in her," he sat down on the bench in the alley, "So when she and I ended things, you were right, I didn't have anyone-- except you. And when you left, I lost my mind a little bit. That day outside of Girls United, when I realized you felt the same for me-- I felt invincible-- I may not have been able to share our love with the world just yet, but nothing could go wrong if you and I were together," he drew his arm around Callie as she sat next to him,

"And then you needed a family, and I let you go because I loved you. And I was alone, I was alone and things with you were weird, and my dad was having issues at work, and everything was crap. That day you went to help Wyatt, that I had invited you to come over, I wanted to play you "Outlaws", to tell you I loved you still and you went to be with Wyatt and I just... I was in a really bad place that I had created, Callie. I should have done better, I should have reached out, but I didn't and in therapy I've talked to my therapist about that. Its good that I have the band now, I have Mat, I have friends outside of my family and people to confide in outside of you," he searched her eyes, 

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