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Jimin's POV

Waking up everyday is one of the hardest things for me to do. I mean I have no friends, my family hates me and I don't know why. Well maybe it's because I'm gay, but I thought that my family would be okay with that but apparently I was wrong. I as I got out of my bed, I started wondering what is in store for me today. Walking into the bathroom, I quickly take off my clothes and went into the shower.

~10 minutes later~

As I get out of the shower, I try to find something decent to wear today. Not that I would look good in it anyway. In the end I resulted in some black,ripped skinny jeans with with a blue pastel sweatshirt and my white converse. Checking myself out in the mirror, I finally decided that I looked presentable, grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room. As I made my way down the stairs, I was greeted with silence. My parents were never home ever since that I told them I was gay, but I could really care less about them not being here. I went into the kitchen to grab an apple and a granola bar and walked out of the house, going to school.

Hopefully I have a good day today.

~15 minutes later~

Walking into the school building, I could all ready feel everyone starring at me. This was nothing new but I could never stop the uneasy feeling coming over me. Going to my locker, I put some of my school books in there and only grabbing my history and English books for the next two periods. Right before I closed my locker, i was shoved into the floor. My books scattering every where. I look up to see no one other than Kim Taeyoung standing over me with a smirk.

"Well look who we have here," he said sharply before bending down to reach my level," it's the lonely twink."

I rolled my eyes at his statement and pushed him back. I didn't have time for him or his b.s., I went to go and pick up my books but was pushed into to the lockers by Taeyoung.

"Who do you think you are putting your hands on me, faggot," he said while gritting his teeth and staring deep into my eyes. I decided to fuck with him for a bit.

"I'm Park fucking Jimin" I said with a small smirk on my face, which caused his fist to come into contact with my stomach. I groaned in pain as I doubled over. Taeyoung grabbed my face making me look back at.

"How dare you disrespect me like that?" He yelled in my face. I scrunched my face in disgust when his breath hit me like an eighteen wheeler hit a car. I look back at him with my fingers on my nose.

"How dare you yell into my face with your breath smelling like someone's asshole and cat piss?" I replied which earned me another blow to the stomach.

"Your gonna wish you never said that!"

"An you gonna with that you brushed you teeth this morning cause you needed it. I mean you maybe bad, but not as bad as your hot as breath. Damn."

"That's it" he said while bringing his fist back. Before it impacted with my stomach, then the bell rung, signaling class is about to begin. Taeyoung glared at be before letting me go. I fell on my knees clutching my stomach while looking at him.

"This isn't over," he said before walking off, going to class. When I gathered myself, I quickly grabbed my books and other school things and hurried off to class.


Hey guys! The author here. I wanted to tell you guys this is one of the books that I'm trying to write so it maybe crappy at the beginning, but I promise that it will get better as the story goes on.😊

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To Broken to Knw Love 》 MINJOONWhere stories live. Discover now