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It took a minute before I was standing at my front porch. I was feeling really exhausted. I don't know why but I just do.

I walked into my house, and was greeted with usual silence that haunted the house. I quickly made my way into my room and instantly fell onto my bed. I just layed there. Thinking. What would my life be like if I had different parents? What could i have possibly done to deserve this? Should I still meet Namjoon? I just had a lot of things on my mind. Getting bored, I just went to sleep, putting all of my thoughts in the back of my head.


After what felt like a couple of hours, I had woken up to banging on my door.

"Jimin, get your fat ass up and open this door, now!!!

I quickly got as soon as I heard my fathers voice, booming on the other side of the door.
"Coming" I said hurrying out of the bed. It is best that I don't make him wait to long, or else it would be worse. When I got to my door, I slowly opened it to reveal my drunk father, swaying in my doorway.
"Yes, father" I said timidly.
" Why  isn't dinner cooking" he said drunkenly. I suddenly felt dying. I mentally slap myself for forgetting.
"I'm sorry father, I will go fix it now," I said bowing before walking downstairs. I felt him following me, which made me even nervous.
"Father what would yo—Agghhh"
Before I could finish speaking, I dropped to the floor from the sudden pain in my stomach. Big, fat tears rolled down my eyes as I kept myself from screaming in pain.
"That is what you get for being a lazy piece of shit, and not having dinner ready" My father spat angrily at me before walking away. It took my a few minutes to gather myself before I was able to get up. Walking back to the kitchen, I saw my mother sitting at the table. She was here the whole time?? I sigh and start pulling out the ingredients for dinner. As I started cooking, I could feel my mother's eyes on me. I couldn't help but be nervous. About 45 minutes later, I finish cooking dinner. I had made some spaghetti, homemade bread sticks, and a salad on the side.
"Appa! The food is ready," I yell from the steps. I step back when I heard my fathers footsteps coming down.
"Go to your room and don't come out unless your told," my father said, walking past me towards the kitchen. I nodded my head and went to my room. I walked in and instantly threw myself on my bed, thinking. What did I ever do to deserve this??  When will it ever end??
I payed on my bed, constantly asking myself what went wrong in my life, but I already knew the answer. I felt myself drifting off to sleep and before I knew it, I was sound asleep.

To Broken to Knw Love 》 MINJOONWhere stories live. Discover now