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Jimin's POV

It hurt rushing to class because of my stomach, but I had to. I couldn't be late. When I walked into the class room,I mentally sighed. At least I'm not late. While making my way to my assigned seat, a unknown foot came into my path, making me trip. As I crashed into the ground my books pushed into my stomach causing me to groan in pain. I heard the whole class laugh, but I don't let it get to me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder making turn around. I saw my teacher, Mr. Wang, crouched down beside me helping me up.

"Are you okay," he asked with concern in his voice. I like Mr. Wang the best outta of all of my teachers because he is cool and doesn't even have a single bad bone in his body. He is the only person that I could some what trust.

"Yeah I'm fine," i said when I was on my feet.

"Well, alright but be careful,alright?" He said patting my back, before walking off.

"Okay." I whispered to my self. Before I could make it to my seat the classroom door opened, reveling a tall, purple headed boy. As I sat down, Mr. Wang walked to the front of the class with the boy.

"Alright class, today we have a new student. Please introduce your self." Mr. Wang said.

"Hi. My name is Kim Namjoon and I am 17 years old. Please take care or me." He said smiling. His smile was very big and bright, showing off his two uneven dimples on each side.I hear the whole class muttering. Girls started to fan girl, while the boys looked envious. There is no lying here. He is really good looking. He's more than good looking. I hear my conscience say to me. I rolled my eyes at my self and started to doodle on my desk.




To say I was startled was on understatement. I jumped in my seat and I quickly looked to were the voice was coming from,and I see my teacher and Namjoon looking straight at me. Namjoon with a slight smirk on his face.

"Jimin. I since I see that I have your attention now, I wanted to tell you that you will be showing Namjoon around the school today. I will send emails to all of your teacher letting them know what you will be doing." He said to me," Now Namjoon will you please have a seat next to jimin.

I was freaked out to say at least. No one ever sat by me or ever spoken to me in class. Ever. Not even in the hallway. Well except Teayoung, but that is different. I immediately tensed when I felt Namjoon's presence beside me. I looked to and saw him staring at me with a bright smile on his face. Quickly turning away, I resumed with my drawing.

"Well that wasn't very nice of you to ignore me." I heard a very deep voice say to me. I mentally groaned at how attractive his voice sounded, but I pushed those thought away for me and ignored him.

"I'm Namjoon. You?" He said sticking his hand out in my direction. I can tell he was trying to have a conversation with me. I felt really uneasy. I was never in this situation of communication with over people before, but for some reason he didn't seem bad so I let him. I slowly shook his hand before replying.

"Jimin, but you already knew that." I said letting go of his hand not really wanting to. His hands felt so soft and smooth and they were bigger than my baby hands.
"Yes I did know that, but I wanted to hear you say it," he said smiling. I shook my head slightly and smirked.
"So what class you you have after this one?" He asked pulling out his school schedule." I wanted to see if we have any classes together. I nodded while pulling out , mine out and giving it to him. I saw him smile even brighter when he started to compare out schedules.
"We basically have all the the same classes together, except for science." He said smiling like a maniac. I giggled and shook my head at the way he was acting, making him look my way, still smiling.
"Well I glad that your glad that you stuck with me." I said returning back to my drawing.
"Yeah, me to." He said when turning back in his desk smiling again. I wonder if his face ever hurt form smiling that much.

Today just got a whole lot better for me.


Hey guys! Author hear again. Well I hoped the you enjoyed this chapter. I am really trying my best to make it to were you guys will like it. Thanks for reading!

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To Broken to Knw Love 》 MINJOONWhere stories live. Discover now