She walked up behind me and started to rub my back, I barely knew this chick and she was feeling on me? This was new.
I didn't have time to have some episode with this girl where I tell her I'm not gay and why is running on me, so I did the fastest thing that would prevent all these problems from happening I turned around, and punched her in the face I knocked her out cold she wasn't responsive, this made me laugh and feel
I walked out the bathroom and looked around, I didn't want to go back into the theatre because Tyler would get suspicious that I came back and his girlfriend didn't he probably sent her in there to do away with me but of course she failed.
I had to get Tim out of there, he was in great danger I went in the theatre quickly I had to grab Tim and go. When I went inside Tim was still watching the movie when I told
Him we had to leave, he was confused but he went with me and we left.
The minute we both left Tyler got up and followed, we ran out the door and paced down the street if Tyler came in the car, they would catch us surely, so we took a different route.
We ran down different alleys and walkways, we took a quick way it took us about 8-9 minutes to get home, Tim was still confused but he didn't ask any questions.
When we reached the apartment door Tim stopped me, and kissed me. I was surprised but glad at the same time but something made me want to push him away then my mind went on a trip, I had a flashback to when I was 12.
A Living Fancy
ActionMany stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of humanity. But stories can also repair that broken dignity of being A Living Fancy.