We Will Find Him

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Tristan's POV

We heard something go through the window and I immediately covered Rory with my body just in case. I looked at the others and the woman were scared especially Rory. She was shaking like a leaf. I saw what went through the window it was a brick.

"Skills take Rory." I say and he pulls her close. I get up and see a note attached to the brick.

"What does it say?" Dan asked. I bent down and picked up the brick and took the note off. 'Luke I see where you loyalties lie. As for you Rory you think your husband or they can protect you? Your mine and I will be seeing you soon.' I look over at Rory and she paled significantly.

I immediately went to her. "Baby are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Baby I feel dizzy." She tells me her voice weak.

Skills hands her back to me. "Uhh guys?" Skills says with fear.

"What?" Keith asked concerned.

"Look." He says holding his hand up and it had blood on it.

"Rory."My mom says with fear.

Nathan and I look her over and he paled. "Tristan she's bleeding." Nathan says his voice laced in fear.

"There's glass in her side." Brooke says panicking.

"We need to go to the hospital now." Luke yells.

"I'll drive." Nathan says. I pick Rory up and bring her to the car.

We speed all the way to Hartford to the hospital. The adults stayed behind for the cops and they were going to tell them the rest of the group went to the hospital. Nathan pulled right up front and the girls ran inside for help. By the time I got out there was nurses and doctors outside with a gurney.

"Does she have any medical problems?" The doctor asked me.

"No but she's pregnant." I reply to him. He nods and they rush inside.

We were told we couldn't go with her that we had to wait in the waiting room. We all sat down with heavy hearts. Worrying for Rory and the baby.

"I'm going to kill him." Nathan says angrily.

"I think we all do." I say my voice cracking.

Haley came over to me and rubbed my back. "She'll be alright. They both will." She says to reassure me. I give her a small smile and cried worried for my love.

A few hours later everyone else came. "How is she?" Finnegan asked concerned.

"We don't know yet." I say my voice cracking.

Before anyone else can ask or say anything a doctor walked in. "Family of Rory Scott?" He asked.

"I'm her husband." I say as I stand up.

"Your wife and baby are fine. Your wife needed some stitches. There was no internal damage." He tells us and we all sigh in relief.

"When can we see her?" My mom asked.

"When can she come home?" I asked.

"She's being discharged now. I prescribed her some painkillers that's safe to take with the baby." He says and walks away from us.

Rory's POV

They gave me some supplies to change my bandages. They also filled my medications so I can have them tonight.

All I needed was stitches thank god. The glass left a nice cut and thank god the baby is alright. I'm signing my discharge papers and I make my way to the waiting room.

As soon as they see me I'm pulled into a hug by Tristan. "Oh baby I was so scared." He says through tears.

"So was I baby." I say tearing up as well.

We pull apart and Nathan grabbed me gently next he was crying I could tell. "Nathan I'm fine don't cry." I say rubbing his back.

"He'll pay for what he's doing to you." Nathan says adamantly.

"Yes he will I'm going to hire a PI to find him." Finnegan says with finality.

"Let's go back to the house and relax." Janlan suggested and we all nodded.

We all headed to the cars and made it back to the house quickly. I went straight to the bedroom to change my clothes and to shower. Tristan came up to me and kissed me passionately.

"Let me help you change baby." He asked gently stroking my cheek.

"Ok baby. I need a shower first." I say softly.

"Can I join you?" He asked with a smile.

"Always." I say with a soft kiss. We undress and Tristan helps me undress also. He turns the shower on and I gently remove the bandage they put on me. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He says with sorrow.

"I know baby. It's not your fault you tried to protect me. I got hurt it was a freak accident." I say.

We got in the shower and he gently washed the dried blood off of me. Twenty minutes later we were getting dressed.

We went downstairs so he could bandage up my wound since I left the supplies downstairs. We made our way downstairs and went to the kitchen where everyone was.

Tristan grabbed the supplies and came back into the kitchen. I lifted up my shirt and he bandages it up.

"When will they be removed?" Peyton asked.

"Two weeks." I say.

"I'm glad you weren't to hurt." Mouth says thankful.

"As am I." I say smiling.

"Did you see the baby again?" Brooke asked excited.

"Yeah I did. They did a ultrasound and the baby's strong." I say with a smile.

Karen came over to and hugged me tightly. "I'm glad my daughters home and safe and sound." She says tearfully.

"So am I Mom. Trust me. I'm scared I don't know what he's going to do next." I say with fear lacing my voice.

No one knew what Jess was thinking only him. What will his next move be? Rory's safe for now but how long will that last.

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