Chapter Thirty Four-Craig

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We arrive at the police station, informing the receptionist that Inspector Davies is expecting us. She tells us to take a seat in the waiting area, while we wait for Davies to make an appearance.

Sitting down, I take my girls hand in my own. She seems to be in a world of her own as she stares into space. "Are you okay, baby?" I ask rubbing my thumb in circles on her hand.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine, I'm good" she nods smiling weakly. No she's not, something is bothering her...

"What's bothering you baby?" I ask.

She sighs. "It's nothing really, I was just thinking of ways for the police to catch Rebecca easier" she admits sheepishly.

"Hmmm, and have you thought of any?" I ask.

"I was thinking of facial recognition" she tells me. "And then it got me thinking? Why haven't they used that already?" She adds. That's a good fucking question! Why the fuck haven't they used that shit already?

"Craig— Catherine" Inspector Davies appears suddenly. "So sorry to have kept you waiting. Come on, I've a interview room ready for your statement" He smiles at us gesturing us to follow him. I hold out my hand for my girl, which she takes and I squeeze her hand gently in comfort. She smiles warmly at me. "I love you" she whispers as we follow Davies to the interview room. I bring our joined hands up to my lips placing a chaste kiss on the back of her palm "I love you too baby" I say softly.

We stop at a door marked Interview Room One, and inspector Davies gestures for us to enter. The room itself is blank, cold looking— in the room is a table and chairs with what looks like an old fashion cassette player. "Take a seat please" Davies gestures to the chairs as he shuts the door behind him. "Catherine, I really appreciate you coming in today. I understand you were recently admitted into hospital? Are you okay?" He asks, his eyes rests solely on my girl.

"Yes, Thankyou. I haven't been well, and that had lead me to have an asthma attack" Catherine explains. "I'm feeling much better now though, the hospital gave me steroids" she adds.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I'll try not to keep you long" He tells her as he sits in the chair opposite her and starts to fiddle with the recording device. I take her hand in mine, bringing it up to my lips and kiss the back of her hand once, twice. Mine, you prick. I glare at him. My girl bumps her shoulder against mine, her eyes are wide with meaning. "What're you doing?" She mouths at me. I lift my chin to inspector prick. "You're mine" I mouth back to her. She smiles brightly shaking her head at me, but tightens her grip in my hand. "Yours" She mouth back.

"Right, we're ready to begin. Can I get either of you a drink before we start? Tea? Coffee? Water?" He asks us.

"I'll have a water, please" Catherine asks politely. Inspector Davies, turns his gaze upon me. "Same" I say. He nods and stands up, making his way to the door and opens it. "Marie, be a love and get us three bottles of water please?" He shouts down the corridor. "Nice one babe" he grins shutting the door and sits back down.

"Right, shall we get started?" He asks and presses record on Catherine's nod. "This is inspector Davies, Date of interview 22nd August 2018. Time is 16.23pm. I have in this room with me, Miss Catherine Murphy and her boyfriend Mr Craig Berkeley. So, Catherine, can you tell me how you know Rebecca Mullergan??" He asks her.

"Um, I went to school with her" she says softly.

"I see, and what would you say your relationship with miss Mullergan was like?" he asks.

"In school?" Catherine asks.

"Yes, Catherine" Davies clarifies.

"Well um, I guess you could say it was okay" she says quietly. Okay? God, she must be jokin here!

Cat & Her Second Chance (Book 3 Of The "And Her" Series) (COMPLETED) (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now