Epilogue- Craig

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Five Years Later

"Remember what I said about tackling" Catherine says to our son as she's bent over so she's level with Asher. Damn, that ass is fine...

My cock hardens at the sight of my gorgeous sexy wife's arse bent over. Her arse is covered in those skin tight fucking yoga pants that mold to her body like a second skin, her tits are more than a handful now. Plump and fucking juicy. The vest she's wearing is the same fucking material as the pants, so you can imagine the sight before me. She's literally a fucking walking wet dream. I bite my fist as her arse taunts me, I mean fuck, you wouldn't think I was balls deep inside her an hour ago. Yet here I am, trying to come up with shit to calm my cock down.

"Yes, I know" Asher huffs in a bored tone.

"Well, what did I say?" Catherine asks him. "To not?.."

"Tackle the other players when they haven't got the ball" he replies rolling his eyes. "I know, mum" he says sounding exasperated.

"Boy, don't take that tone with your mum" I growl. "Say you're sorry"

"Sorry, mummy" he says softly.

"It's okay, Asher" she says as she combs her fingers through his hair. "I just don't want you getting into trouble, okay?"

"Okay" he replies.

"Right, come on before coach shuts the gate" I say looking to the prick who is swear hates my guts. His wife probably fancies me or some shit, don't know the fucker from Adam, but if he keeps glaring at me like he is—he and me are gonna have words.

"Say goodbye to your mum" I tell asher still looking at the coach.

Yeah, fucker—you don't scare me...

"One sec baby boy" she coos and looks to me. "What's going on? Why have you got that face on?" She asks me suspiciously.

"What face?" I ask innocently.

"The face where you either wanna deck someone or are about to" Catherine growls. "So, why?" She asks folding her arms across her chest. Which only pushes her tits up. "Jesus" I hear a male groan.

My head snaps quickly to the left of me and there some fella standing there with his wife who is talking to her son. "Do you like your eyes where they are?" I growl angrily.

"Oh, god" I hear Catherine groan

"What?" The man replies nervously.

"Baby, do me a favour and walk Asher over to the coach before he shuts the gate" I ask my beautiful wife, before looking back at the piece of shit in front of me.

"Be good" Catherine purrs. "Say bye-bye to daddy Asher"

"Bye daddy" my boy chuckles. "You've had it now" he says grinning to the turd who thought he could openly gawk at my woman while I'm standing her and his own family, before walking away with his mummy.

"Now" I say calmly. "Where were we??? Oh, yes—I do believe I said, do you like your eyes where they are?" I ask again.

"Ye—Yes" he replies.

"Well, I suggest you keep your fucking filthy gaze off what's mine—otherwise I'll rip them from your sockets and make you swallow them" I hiss. "Okay?"

He nods frantically at me. "Sorry"

"Fucking pathetic excuse of a man" I growl. "Fucking looking at other women, a woman who is taken I might add—when you've got your family right fucking next to you" I look at him in disgust. "I hope your wife knows what kind of man she's married to?"  I growl before turning to follow my wife.

Cat & Her Second Chance (Book 3 Of The "And Her" Series) (COMPLETED) (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now