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The wind was blowing ever so sweetly, the long branches of the weeping willows swaying lightly, as you rode on the back of a centaur named Maxim. As we trotted faster towards the open fields by the high cliffs overlooking the vast, aegean blue sea, you felt little hands grab hold of your waist to steady themselves. You turned at the sight of the sunflower blonde hair of your precious niece Francesca. The intensely curly short locks of the three year old filled your head of every moment of everyday. Your family would tease you and say your loved the child even more than her own mother. You grew red at the embarrassment.

As Maxim came to a stop you let yourself down and pulled the child into your arms. She giggled as you threw her slightly in the air and swung her around. You planted a sweet kiss on her cheek as she squealed in your arms. You walked over to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the hundred foot drop down to the beach. She gasped and gripped on to your own fawn colored curls, as you stepped back realizing it startled the girl. Your happy yellow eyes made contact with her emperor blue ones, "Look Chess, look at the sky!" you bursted. Heart soaring every time you saw the vibrant sky turn a iris color as the sun began to set. Your nation worshiped the sun, the moon, stars. Everyone's houses where high up above the cliffs and hills, the higher to the heavens the more beautiful life was. "I love you Tin." came a small voice above your shoulder. You smiled. Then everything went black.

Celestial QueenWhere stories live. Discover now