Chapter 2

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The minister's words were faint in your ears as your stared at the monster in the mask across from you. Kylo Ren slipped on a gem, a ruby, onto your finger, whilst you shoved a black band up his. Your words sounded guttural as you spat out "I do." The dark lord's words were distorted and intimidating through his mask. "I do." He repeated. The ceremony was over, and you were grateful you didn't have to kiss the masked creature.

The reception was held in the dinning hall, you walked as your new husband escorted you through the halls, your arm hung uncomfortably in his. His height and stature making it difficult to walk arm in arm, and without the heel your boots provided, you would have found it almost impossible. 

Your anger and frustrations released,  it was over, you were a married woman. Being angry wasn't going to change anything, and so instead a different emotion overcame you. Anxiety and nervous energy. Your eyes faded into a navy shade. Your emotions were completely interweaved. 

Kylo Ren released your arm, and walked through the door over to several bystanders who looked out of place in their dark garbs, while the rest in the room were wrapped in vibrant and vidid colored tunics. You sat down at a tabled prepare for you and the groom. Sitting in front and gazing around for the little princess, Francesca. As if she could read your mind, you felt tiny hands cover your eyes "Guess who?" came a squeaky little voice, you reached behind your chair and grabbed at the fragile body. Chess squealed as you pulled her into your lap. Kylo Ren sitting down next to you as your father got up in front of the guests. 

"I-" the King sighed but continued, "We all know how much Princess Celestine means to us. It was an honor to raise you my child." He said emotion filling her normally loud, and booming voice. Turning towards you he continued, "I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful, kinder soul than you." You turned away, feeling your eyes tingle, and that horrible bobbing in your throat. Your eyes turning a soft light blue. Chess pulled your face to meet her eyes. "Don't cry Tin, I will be with you. In here." she whispered pointing to your chest, opposite side to where your heart lay. You chuckled and kissed her softly, feeling Kylo Ren's gaze upon you. Francesca noticed as well, "Mister, you don't scare me" Chess called out to him, turning to face him with her tongue stuck out. You gasped concerned as to how he would take the five year old's insult. "Ch-Chessa, princesses don't do that." You said firmly uncertain of your... Kylo Ren's actions. You look from Francesca to the man, both looked at each other in silence until your brother and sister in-law appeared before the table to give congratulations. You both muttered thanks as several other guest came and congratulated you. 

After most of the guest, and visitors had given their blessings, Francesca jumped of your lap to run over to the dessert table. You sat quietly, until a rather bothered red head came and whispered harshly to the side of Kylo Ren's mask. You watched from the corner of your eye as he nodded in agreement, and both got up to talk with an offical looking stormtrooper. You guzzled down some champaign from a glass, until both men hasten towards you.

"We are leaving in 10 minutes, say your goodbyes." The dark lord spoke with his modulated voice, holding out his hand to help you stand. " I-" "10 minutes." he spoke deeply as he cut you off. You turned quickly and stalked off in search of your mother and father. 

Approaching the King and Queen, you bowed and gave each had the turn to kiss and give a short farewell, you felt as your mother slipped a small box into your cape pocket. You gave thanked them for everything, and walked into the hall and ran as fast as you could to the guards room. 

You burst through the door and found Maxim talking with two other Centaurs on break. Ignoring the many eyes that stared at their half crazy princess, you grabbed maxim's human waist and squeezed your last goodbye. You knew you were likely to never see him again. He was a guard, not a family member, still the notion didn't stop you from seeing him as such. He had been another brother to you, your best friend when you didn't have Chessa. He said nothing as tears began to escape from your eyes. "Goodbye, Maxim." you breathed, afraid he hadn't heard until you heard a sob escaped from his mouth. His long brown hoofed legs bent down allowing you to kissed his cheek. 

Your wanted to stay longer and talk with him once more, but there was not enough time. Dreading saying good bye to the last person, a guard called out and told you the little princess was out on the balcony with the other children. You walked towards the green house on the balcony. You had a feeling she would be waiting in there for you. 

As you open the door, you were hit with the warmth from the plants and organisms living inside. You quickly spotted blonde curly locks from a bush several feet away. "Hmmm... I wonder if my Francesca is here." You smiled softly as you heard giggles. "Oh, I think I heard something. I wonder, could it be a... Dryad?!" you said, walking closer and playing along with the child. "Or maybe, it's a princess!" You stopped in front of the bush. "Princess... Francesca!" you squealed as your grabbed her in your arms and pulled her from the plant. You smiled happily as she laughed, drapping her arms around you. You squatted down, still holding her in your lap. You squeezed her and held her for what seemed a lifetime. She gripped onto you, as you got up and walked back into the castle. You headed towards the ship dock. 

You spotted family and several close friends. You saw Kylo Ren waiting for you and as you tried to put down the child, she wouldn't let go, instead grabbed handfuls of hair and clenched her legs around your waist. Mila, her mother tried to take her from your arms but she screamed, your eyes filling pain. "Chess, you have to let go." her mother cried. "NO!" she screamed as she was pulled away from you by her parents. "TIN! NO MAMA LET ME GO! TIN! TIN! LET ME GO!" she wailed as you bolted towards the general and the sith Lord. Your hand cupped against your mouth, preventing the sobs from their escape. You walked up the ships ramp, stopping looking back one last time. You saw the pain in your parents eyes while they watched their only daughter leave from their safety. You looked at your brother who had tears in his eyes as he held his screaming child. You saw your sister in-law and friends with painful expressions on their face. You gazed around as you said goodbye to the planet you have lived on for such wonderful 17 years. You turned quickly and walked into the ship. Needles puncturing your aching heart. 

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