Chapter One

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I was born with Spina Bifida 25 years ago. Spina Bifida is a birth defect that caused from an incomplete closing of my lower back. I have the type that's called Myelomeningocele. My spinal cord was exposed when I was born, causing a small sac to form on the bottom of my back from the meningeal membrane. Spina Bifida has caused me to have leg paralysis so I'm in a wheelchair. It also caused Scoliosis, the curving of my back where I had surgery when I was 13, incontinence, and hydrocephalus, I've had shunts placed in the back of my head to drain the fluid since I was 3.

Before my mom died, she was my caretaker until I moved in with my best friend from college, Zayn. I can mostly take care of myself except for getting in and out of my chair to go to the bathroom and get dressed. Zayn also takes me to my job at a small cafe and to my physical therapy appointments.

I groaned when my alarm went off. I pressed the button and it turned off. I rubbed my eyes and felt a small lick on my hand. I smiled softly and looked to see my service dog, Jack, sitting beside my bed. "Hey Jack Jack." I cooed and sat up. My legs hung over my bed as Jack barked for Zayn. "Coming Lou!" He yelled from downstairs. Jack waited by my bed so I wouldn't fall when Zayn came to my room. "Good morning." He smiled at me. "Morning." I smiled back as Zayn picked me up and put me in the shower.

I wheeled myself into the kitchen to fix breakfast. Zayn and I were lucky enough to find an accessible apartment complex with wheelchair ramps, low counters and appliances, and large bathrooms. It helps me become a lot more independent and not rely on Zayn for everything. "Do you want scrambled eggs and turkey bacon?" I asked him. "Yeah." He called from the living room. I opened the refrigerator and took out the eggs and pack of turkey bacon and grabbed two pans.

"Call me when you're done." Zayn said and waved to Jack and I. I waved back before rolling into the hospital. Jack pressed the button for the elevator and we waited. When it opened, Jack and I went inside and I pressed the button for the floor.

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