Chapter Twenty Four

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After dinner, Harry cut us a slice of strawberry cheesecake and two glasses of wine. He handed me a fork and I dug in before putting it in my mouth. "This is so good, did you make this?" I asked him. He chuckled and nodded. My mouth gaped. "There's nothing you can't do huh?" He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.

After a few glasses of wine, I cuddled against Harry and pressed kisses on his neck. He had his arms wrapped around me. "Guess what?" I smiled. "What?" He looked at me. "When I first met you, I got hard and had to go to the bathroom to fix myself." I laughed.

"Louis!" He gasped. "That hasn't happened in a while. That's a good thing." I booped his nose. "I think it's time to go to bed huh?" He asked. "I'm not tired." I pouted as he picked me up. He carried me to the guest room where Jack was already sleeping and laid me down.

"I want to cuddle." I said as he took off my clothes. "Can we lay together?" I looked up at him. He put on my pajamas. "Um... sure." He replied. "I want to go in your room. I don't want an audience." I whispered and pointed to Jack. He laughed and nodded. "Sure Lou."

I peeked my eyes from under the covers and watched Harry take off his work scrubs. I bit my lip as he flexed his muscular back in a long stretch before putting on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. As soon as he turned back around, I covered my face with the covers again.

"I know you were watching me." He said before getting into the bed next to me. "No I wasn't." I looked over at him. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I felt his large hand run down my arm to grab my hand. He intertwined our fingers. "Night Lou." He said before I fell asleep.

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