The Chamber.

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July 2nd. 2018

I was playing music in my room. My vision then went blurry and out of my left eye I saw my room. And out of my right. I saw the underworld.

I started getting dizzy. And even more with every second..

I let myself go to the Underworld. I closed both my eyes and left.

When I opened them back up. I was in a chamber. It was almost like a torture room. There was red-ish baigue walls made of stone. Chains were connected to the walls with cuffs at the ends. There was four tables. Each with devices and mechanisms on them for torture use. The room was lit from  mounted torches

I suspected I was either in hell. Or beneath the city.

To the left of me, was a staircase made of the same stone. Going up the side of the wall and outside.

The the front of me.. was the tables. The large room. And a hallway that went dark and unlit by anything.

I was attached to the most back and right wall on chains Facing the hallway.

I was wearing all black. Black boots. Black jeans and a studded black leather belt. A black button up long sleeve  shirt with a black tank top on. My hair was also black. And shoulder length. My sides were shaved. And black earrings and face jewelry.

My skin and hair was covered in crumbled dust. And my eyes were black and had the shimmer of fire in them..

My energy was dark purple with burning embers emitting off it.

I looked up towards the hallway and heard a deep. Males. Laugh. It was Lucifer.

I then heard a set of three clicks. Walking. The two clicks of his shoes. And the third for his cane

He walked down through the hallway. His face and jewelry was glowing from the fire light and his body caught light the closer he got.

His eyes were bright glowing green. And the skull on his cane was changed. It used to be a white Quartz skull with a silver  crown of thorns on it. Now it's a Ruby red. Cherry quartz and black eyes and detail. With a black diamond crown of thorns.

He walked in between the tables and said.

"There's only so much life can give, Noah. Every step you take. Every breath you take. Every little thing you do. Doesn't matter. Until you're dead. When you're Dead. Is when people care. They can tell you every day that they're there for you. But where are they when you need them. The second you die, they pretend they cared."

He walked closer and closer to me. And up to my face. He looked at me in the eyes. And said

"Don't care about the ones who never care for you. The others. Your new friends. Your, Boyfriend. Your sister. Parents. They care. They will. They're there for you. But anyone else. Your old friends. Your old family. The people who hurt you. They never cared. Choose wisely who you let in your life. Or you could end up like him"

I got confused but also did my best to be understanding. "Who's him? And why am I here? I thought you didn't want me here"

"Oh I want you here. I want you here, forever. Which is why I'm about to do this"

He raised his cane. And threw it to the side of him. He raised his left hand and smacked me. It stung.

He then took his cane off the ground and hit me in the stomach with it. And took the thorn part of it and scratched me.

I screamed in frustration and Anger. My energy flowed bright blue and white. With purple crystals forming up the wall. I closed my eyes and they started to bleed.

I ripped my hands off the chains and broke them out of the wall. I opened up my eyes and the iris of them were bright pink with a black cat eye pupil.

My back was turned to Lucifer and I turned my head to look at him. He was horrified and angered. I formed energy around my hand into a ball of sharp crystals and fire. And threw it towards him. As it was flying to his face. He raised his hand and put up two fingers. The energy collided with his hand and it shattered.

No effect was put onto him.

I threw two more. He could stop one of them but the other smashed into his face he dropped his cane and I ran towards the staircase.

He swayed his arm and the torches on the wall grew huge from the fire. My energy that was still on the wall turned white and crumbled apart like snow and formed back into me.

I kept running towards the stairs and up them to the light. I got to the top of the steps. And I was in a bright room. With a black floor and a large glass dome made of triangle panes of glass. Towered around me.

I was in the center of the room. I noticed where I was but I couldn't quite make it out.

To the sides of me where the two large shperical shadow men from before.  The rectangular opening to the stairs billowed smoke into the glass room. The more I ran and dodged the shadow men and Lucifers fires. I couldn't find a way out. I opened up my wings.

They were blacker than anything on my body. And had a silver dust like energy fall off them as they flapped. I flew around the glass dome looking for a spot to escape. I then noticed.

The hallway. In the chamber.

I flew down towards the shadow men. They were looking up at me and at the stairs.

I closed my wings and went straight down to them. I got to the opening. Right next to them. They went to grab for me but I was too fast. I opened up my wings again in the basement and flew straight past Lucifer. He was standing in the room surrounded by flames I was at the top of the room covered in smoke being suffocated. But it was better than being burned.

The room was hot and full of screams of laughter from Lucifer. I found the opening to the large hallway. There wasn't any fore or smoke there. I flew into it and landed on the ground and hid myself from everyone.

I got actual air back In my body. And I put my wings to rest at my sides. I walked down the dark hallway and looked for an exit.

I moved towards the end of the hall and walked for about 3 minutes and came to a stop at a door. The door was made of bars and completely see through. The other side led to a staircase that went straight up and to a door that led outside..

I jiggled the door handle and it was locked.

From behind me. Clicking was heard. There were 3.

It was Lucifer. I got even more scared and kept trying to unlock the door.

Through the clicks I heard a set of two louder steps. The shadow men.

With each step echoing through the hall getting louder in the darkness. I kept doing my best to break the handle to the door.

Lucifer started to whistle as he walked. The song he was whistling was "nearer my god to thee"

I had the thought to put my energy into the lock and unlock it like that.

I put my finger to the lock and sent energy inside. I formed it to the lock and it clicked. As the door slowly creeked open being heavy as fuck. Lucifer and the shadow men were in a distance close to me enough where I could see them. I squeezed through the door snd shut it fast behind me and locked it again. I then barricaded the door with my energy making sharp long blue crystals and a violet flame on them. 
I ran up the stairs and got to the door that led outside. I was in a tall tower I couldn't tell which one. 

I busted the door open and I escaped. I opened my wings and flew away from the building. I looked back and realized I was all the way at the top of the largest tower in the Underworld. The chamber was beneath the glass dome all the way at the top the way I've seen it before.

I made my way to the lightning rod. And warped back home.

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