Chapter 4 - Makeover!

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Y/N = Your name

L/N = Last Name

F/N = Favorite color

E/C = Eye Color

* 2nd person P.O.V

You and Elle finally made it to the Furniture store. You couldn't stop thinking about that boy. Elle saw you daydream " Are you thinking about Sig?." You blush red "No I'm not." Elle smirks at you " You like him!. You're blushing like crazy." Elle grabs a microphone out of nowhere and screamings " Y/N and Sig sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!."  Everyone was giggling at you while you were blushing hard then, A girl said " Elle not funny!." Elle drops the Microphone and You turn to see a blond haired girl with a red hat. She walks up to you and says " Hello there I'm Amitie!". She look at you up and down and said " Wow!. You need a makeover." She pulls you into the makeup room and starts putting makeup on you. Elle went inside the makeup room and she gave you some clothes to try on. The first one was a F/C dress with flowers on it, The second one was a white shirt with F/C belt pants. 

* Time Skip

While Elle was paying for your clothes You notice a Purple haired boy wearing a spacesuit. He notice you and starts walking towards you. You were blushing a little, meeting another boy at the mall. He stands in front of you "Greetings!. I'm Tee, King of Tetris. I'm on a mission so can we hurry this." You said while walking towards him "Oh sorry! I'm Y/N L/N. I just saw you standing alone and I...". You start to fall on top of him in an awkward position. Both of you blush really hard, Elle and Amitie turn around and their nose started to bleed. Tee push you off and ran away still blushing. A few hours, You finally got your bed and your clothes to last a few days. It took a while for Jay to move your bed into your new room. You didn't know How strong Jay was He look like he could fight a whole army!. The next day, It was time to go to school. Of course, you didn't know where the school was so you had to take the bus. After an hour of driving to school, You got off the bus and bump into a girl. She drops her broomstick, " My magic broom!." You pick it up and Said " Sorry I didn't see you there." You give it to her and She said " Thank you so much!. Hey! Are you new here?!". You nod "Yep. My name's Y/N L/N. What's your name?". She replies " My name's Witch. Nice to meet you Y/N. But, I better get to class fast before the teachers find out." You nod and began to enter to but then, She yells " Y/N wait!." You turn around to see her catching up to you " Here take this!." She pulls out a bottle filled with Pink Liquid out of her backpack. I grab it from her hands " What's this for?." She smiles " This potion will make you the smartest kid in school. You can use it just in case you don't have time to study." She left and said " Bye Y/N!. Have a magical time!."

* Y/N P.O.V

I stared at the Smart potion with my C/E eyes. I wanted to drink it so badly, I didn't want to look a dummy on the first day at school. But, Witch said It was only for if I didn't had enough time to study. I finally made up my mind....I decide to drink every last drop from the bottle. I took off the lid and drank as much as can. After that, I wipe my lips with my sleeve and kept the bottle with me. I felt guilty for disobeying witch's words, I just met her and now I betrayed her. I breath in and out before entering the door to my new school. As I open the door, I saw tons of children rushing to their class. I thought to myself "This was gonna be a long day." 

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