Chapter 14 - The Battle for love

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd Person's P.O.V

You were in your Room sitting on the ground with Klug. Klug saids " What's the square root of a 140?." You smiled " 12!". Klug saids " Nice job". You were still thinking about all four of those boys. They wanted you so badly. Klug notice you daydreaming " Are you okay?". You finally got back " Sorry I was daydreaming". Klug laughs " You're more cuter when you apologize". You start to blush Cherry red. Klug was blushing reder than you " I'm sorry I didn't mean to...". You stand up while backing away from him. Klug stands while walking towards you " Y/N what's wrong?". You replied while backing away " Klug I have a weird feeling....". Before you could finish your words you trip on a pile of clothes. You pulled Klug's collar down with you but thank goodness you laded on your bed.

* 1st person's P.O.V

Klug was laying on top of me. His face was so close to mine. I look down to see his knee underneath my area. My heart was faster and faster the more we look deep into each other's eyes. Then, the door knocks Klug gets off of me. I saw Klug's face was very red. Klug ran out the door then, he pushes Sig out of the way. Sig walks up to me and says " Someone call Heaven because I think an angel gone missing". I said " Sig that's cheesy". Sig smirk " Come baby, you are GOUDA-looking!". I was turning red " Sig what's with the pickup lines?". Ex comes inside the room and pushes Sig out of the way. Ex pulls out his hand " How bout we get out of here?". I nod then, grab Ex's hand. He toke me downstairs to the kitchen and said " Would you help me with baking?". I smiled " Sure I love baking". I grab some baking power while Ex was getting some Sugar. An hour later, Me and Ex were both covered in dough but at least we made some cupcakes. I went to get a towel to clean Myself but Ex pulls me close to him. He said " You look hotter in dough". I was blushing while saying " Ex! I thought we were friends!". He pulls me in tighter " Friends?!. I thought what we had was special. You and I should be more than than friends. How bout Boyfriend and girlfriend?". I tried to escape but he was too strong he whispers in my ear " Or maybe Husband and Wife". I push him away from me and was running toward the front door. But Maguro and Tee steps in front of me and said " Where do you think your going love?". I back away from them I turn around seeing Sig and Ex behind me. I was surround by all four of them.

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