Chapter Eighteen : Wolf

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"I'm flying.
I'm flying high like a bird.
But my fluttering wings, can't keep you from holding me down."

Paige POV

I felt the change almost as soon as I put two and two together. My body seemed to be somewhat occupied with a sensation I was all too familiar with. All my senses had heightened, making me all the more aware of the darkness around me. I almkdtbcant remember having a wolf. I can't remember the last time I had shifted.

I could still faintly remember what she looked like, I had only really shifted a handful of times before being captured.

I was a basic gray wolf. I had a dark gray back with a white belly and paws. My onyx black eyes stayed the same, shining with intelligence.

A warm smile spread across my lips as I felt my wolf greeting me. Most people had given there wolves a name but I decided to stick with the Rouge tradition and call my wolf and I one. We were the same being, same mind, and same heart.

A heart that was still broken. My wolf felt the mate bond just as much as I did, and she hated it began more than I did. The mate bond was specifically targeted towards ones wolf. I guess her not being able to formerly meet him bothered her.

Me too girl, me too.

I sighed. I didnt have time to worry about what happened. I had much worse things ahead of me. The witch was right, when I had my wolf, my mate could feel my pain. If I were to be tortured, Damian would feel every minute of it.

I wanted to puke at the thought, but I realized that there was nothing in my stomach to do so. When was the last time I ate? The foot court, I believe. When the teacker interupted me from finishing my sandwich. A full day plus however long I had been in here had added up to starvation.

My stomach began to cramp up. I needed to eat.

I couldn't stand up with the silver chains binding me. I couldn't even crawl over to the front of the cage. The stale ajr around me made breathing difficult.The cell was very big, three solid walls and a set of bars that opened with a key. Strange. Not even my cell at the prison was this grimy.

There was a stain over in the corner, bout a yard away from my feet. It smelled suspiciously like blood. My eyes widened.

How many people had been in here before me? How many had slowly bled to death in this very room?

I shivered.

Would I suffer there fate?

Damian POV

I was wracked with sharp pains from my stomach. I began to eat, buying food from the snack bar, using the free breakfast, and raiding the local mini Mart for Twinkies.

Still, my hunger prevailed. What was Paige doing? Phillip and I had gone back to her motel room shortly after feeling the pain in my wrists. It was empty. Room cleaning had come to her room and found out that she had left. Gone, she called it. Gone, without a trace.

I hated that word.

I had just started to shove down my 6th Twinkie when Phillip had begun to talk. We were sitting in his Buick, him driving and me a passenger. We were still sitting in the parking lot of the 7/11. Me, scarfing down junk food and him just watching.

"If you get Twinkie crumbs all over my car, I will kill you. Prince or no."

"Somethings wrong, Phil. Paige is starving."

"Yeah, I know. This is the twentieth time you've told me..."

"And this is the twentieth time that you've told me NOTHING. Your a tracker for god sakes, Phillip. FIND HER. Would you except anything else if Vanessa was in the same situation that Paige is?"

"First of all, don't try and guilt trip me with my own mate. Second, I need to catch her scent if I'm going to track her. We have nothing so far. All the bedding had been washed in the motel room, the cell she had at the prison has been occupied since and we've already thrown out her old prison jumpsuit.

Unless you've got something that has a strong scent of your Rouge, I can't do ANYTHING!" Phillip yelled at me.

Selene, what was I going to do? My head was pounding and I felt so emotionally drained. I wanted to break down and cry, but also tear a hole in who ever is hurting her.

Think, Damian. Think.

I searched my mind for something. She didnt leave behind anything. Not a hairtie or a necklace. Not a trace.

It hit me. My shirt. I had held her in my arms all night. Her entire body was pressed against me.

I tore my shirt up and over my head in mere seconds. Leaving me bare chested.

"Hey man, I don't swing that wa-"

"Shut up." Phil was so stupid sometimes.

Phillip took the shirt from me as I told him the story. Low and behold, it had a strong enough scent of Paige that was traceable.

We were gonna find her. That was the only thing keeping me sane as Phillip and I turned onto the interstate.

"She's far away, at least a days car ride away." He stated as he stuck his head out the window.

"You look like a damn golden retriever with your head out the window like that."

"Shut the hell up, Prince. You are so lucky I even decided to help you." He was right. By helping me save a Rouge, he was putting him and his family at risk.

I nodded, agreeing.

Where the hell are you, Paige?

Phillips silver Buick really didn't go fast enough, despite us already going 90. The world seemed to slow down the more I wanted it to go faster.

My shoulders were taunt with tension, my jaw flexing with anticipation. Sitting in a car doing nothing was just killing me.

Hold on, Paige. I coming to get you.

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