Chapter Twenty-two :Gone For Good

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"Mama, I know.
That your tired of being alone.

Dad, I know your trying.
To fight when you feel like flying.

But if you love me, don't let go."

Damian POV

She was slipping, I could feel it. My beautiful Paige was falling. I could almost hear the sound of her slowing heartbeat, pumping less and less blood. I could feel the silver around my neck, burning my skin. It hurt... despite there being anything wrong with me.

She was dying and I didn't know how to save her. Anxiety and fear pounded through my head as we pulled up.

Phillip had tracked her to an abandoned warehouse, it large sign on top of the main entrance.

Martin's Jumbo Animal Cages.

It seemed like this thing was ancient. The metal sign was now peeling with age and the once red letters were now a light pink. Graffiti covered the walls and doors, making this place look kind of creepy.

Despite it looked uninhabited, a black van sat out front, looking to be quite new. A beam of light could be see from under the metal door, signaling that someone was indeed inside.

"She's in there all right." Phil murmured. I couldn't reply though, I still felt the constant pressure radiating from my neck. Rendering me unable to speak.

She was slipping, that was all that mattered.

I launched out of the car like a missle, ignoring the sharp ache in my thigh. I sped across the parking lot, eyes ablaze with fury. I heard the hard slap of shoes behind me and knew that Phillip had to be right on my heels.

My hands shoved in the huge and industrial sized double doors. They opened with a bang, a sharp snap told me that I had just broken through several different types of locks and chains.

It was a fight to remain standing. Paige was drowning and she was bringing me down with her. My nonexistent wounds screamed in protest, begging me to stop making it worse.

I had to ignore it. I had to... there wasn't even a choice.

We seemed to have burst into some type of lobby, but it was all trashed. Like someone homeless had broken a window and crawled inside to sleep. Some type of stuffing practically covered the carpet, along with piles of trash.

My breath came in haggard gasps, excersise and a crushed windpipe didn't help much at all.

You have to push through. You have to.

A strange smell was in the air, not from this room... from somewhere nearby. A metallic scent of fresh blood. I shivered.

Oh, god please. Oh please no.

On the right was a hallway, there was no light so it was all dark as I ran. More and more piles of trash littered across the floor. I almost stumbled over them as I followed the faint scent of blood.

Phillip was still on my trail, helping me search. I knew he wouldn't be much help to me know. This whole place was filled with Paige's smell, I doubted he could figure out which was newer or older yet.

We suddenly came upon a open door, inside there was light. Large florescent light shine down from the ceiling making all shadows disappear. Here, the smell of blood was the strongest.

I recoiled in horror at the sight in front of me. In the middle of the room was a chair, surrounded in a dark crimson liquid that could only be blood. Next to the puddle of death was a table decorated in all sorts of bloody tools. Hammers, pliers, muzzles, collars and whips.

This had to be the room they tortured her in. It's drenched in her blood.

Oh, lord. Oh my poor mate. No, please.

I felt like crumbling to the floor and dying. That's how guilty I felt.

Damian, you fucking monster! You left her! None of this would have happened if you had just stayed like a GOOD mate! You might as well have done this yourself! It's all YOUR fault! Are you happy with yourself, you sick fuck. You let the only person who could ever love your worthless soul, DIE!

I began to hyperventilate.

I had to find her. I had to find her and fall on my knees and beg that she can ever forgive me. I had to pray to whatever religious being and hope that she didn't die because of me. I would grovel at her feet and be her lap dog if it meant she wouldn't hate me for letting this happen.

I love her so much.

"Damian, we have to go." Phillip yelled at me. It sounded like a distant cry in the darkness, though. Like an echo in the cave inside my mind. Not really there, like a distant memory of how times were before.

"GODDAMMIT PRINCE, LET'S GO!!!" He screamed. That finally snapped me out of it. What the hell was I doing?

She's not dead yet, Damian. You still have time... time you are currently wasting. GO you idiot!

With that final thought, I turned my back to the bloody room of torture.

This time, I let Phillip lead. I was too mentally shaken to be of much use till we found Paige. Images of my beautiful mate dead had me feeling utterly empty, like a vacant shell. The thought that I would never see her beautiful starry midnight eyes terrified me. The fear set deep in my bones, almost hollowing them.

I wanted to cry, scream, and kill all at the same time.

I had a feeling that I would be doing at least two of those things today.

This warehouse seemed like a maze. None of the walls or doors had any type of marking one so ever. We would never know if we were just traveling in circles.

We bashed in every door that was closed, broke every window, and screamed just as loud as we could. But still... nothing.

Where are you, Paige?

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