Sales Call

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1:30 pm

It had been a long day so far at the office. It wasn't as busy as I had thought it was going to be since it was almost the end of the quarter so I pulled out my favorite book. Michael then stepped out of his office for the first time today, head soaking wet with swimmers goggles on.

"Hey (y/n), can you uhh pop in here real quick?" Jim and I shot each other a curious look as I stood up and walked towards Michael's office.

"Yeah Michael what's up? Everything okay?"

"Not at all (y/n), not. at. all." Michael looked at me, then into the camera next to me, and back at me.

"I need help. I just got sexiest email from Jan and she said "Hope you're doing well, make sure you guys meet your goal by the end of the quarter, sincerely Jan." and I don't know what to say. She's just so hot for me! And to keep myself from getting too excited I went swimming in the rain just now, but main point is can you go over to Jan's and talk about my skills in the bedroom, yknow?"

" No Michael. I don't ever want to know."

"(y/n) just please do this ok, say it's a sales call or something I could care less, just get it done."

"Consider it done Michael."

Oh man was this going to be fun. As I was walking out of his office I shot the camera a quick wink and grabbed my coat and umbrella. I headed towards the elevator and pulled out my phone to make a quick call.

"Dunder Mifflin this is Jim Halpert from sales." My smile was so wide I had to turn away from the cameras.

"Hey Jim it's (y/n) want to go on a call with me?"

"Yeah sure I'll meet you in the parking lot?"


He couldn't help himself but grin at the camera and grab his keys from his desk.

2:00 pm

Throughout the years I've had (y/n) help me pull some of the minor pranks on Dwight, and that's how we started to get to know each other. (y/n) was going to go on this 'sales call' and she wanted me to come with. Next thing I know I'm running down the stairs excited for this plan I've finally got the chance to go through with.

"Hey (y/n) so you've got to trust me (y/n) this is totally going to be worth it in the end, I'll explain more in the car. Let's go."

(Time skip brought to you by Stanley telling Dwight to shove his beets up his butt)

"Jim you've got to tell me what's going on! Where are we going?" Of course she was confused but I couldn't help but smile. I've had a thing for (y/n) for who knows how long now. We've been sitting next to each other for about 4 years now and we've always been flirting back and forth. She was sweet and funny and just about as mischievous as I was. So taking her out on date without her knowing, no harm in that right? I'm actually really nervous so I hope she likes it.

"Okay so we're going a little off road here, just play along ok?"

She just kind of laughed and shook her head a little, I can't wait for her to be surprised.

"(y/n), (y/n) close your eyes!"

"Jim are you serious?"

"Yes, dead serious now don't be a buzzkill."

So I parked the car and walked her into this little arcade like 15 minutes away from the office. We were talking about arcades like 2 weeks ago and how the last time she had been to one was when she was 11. So it was up to me to make our 'date' something memorable. I looked towards the camera, full of excitement and I mouthed 'she's gonna be so happy'

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