Lunch Date

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10:21 am

"Michael I told you, no one's messing with Dwight! I have a witness here. She can't possibly be biased between Dwight and I. I stand no chance against Dwight if she did."

Jim glanced over at me sitting next to him as Dwight was standing behind Michael, stern look on his face. The cause for all of this commotion on this Tuesday morning was that Jim had approached me with a very intriguing idea. I'm not saying I went through with anything or that Jim started anything though.

"Michael, to be completely honest with you, I have next to no idea what's going on here."
Dwight shot me a dirty look.

"Michael she's lying! She very well knows what's going on and why my desk has been replaced by one the size for a 4 year old child." Dwight got really close to me, definitely past my comfort zone.

"I'll make you tell me. You're the over sized child and now I'll treat you like one." A sheer look of confusion flushed through my system at Dwight's words. What the hell was he on?

"Okay Dwight I think we've spent enough time on this, we've got sales to make. Michael?"

"Dwight he's right, just be a good sport and get some work done. Remember guys! Everything comes at a price...even sex. My man Stanley knows exactly what I'm talking about!"

As Michael walked back into his office Jim swiveled his chair closer towards my desk and tapped his foot to mine. I looked at him, a small smile on my face and spots of pinkish red spreading on my cheeks. "thank you" he mouthed and swiveled back over to his desk and continued filling out paperwork.

The next 2 hours were a drag. Not much was happening as everyone was actually doing work for once so I had the opportunity to take a half hour nap. But it was time for a few of us to take our lunch breaks. I got up from my desk and pushed my chair in, headed towards the break room. I didn't bring a lunch with me so I stood in front of the vending machines with $2.50 in my hand, debating on what to get. I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

"Jim?" I turned stood with my head tilted slightly to the left.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to thank you for covering my ass earlier. Maybe I could...take you out to lunch?"

"umm wow. Yeah sure Jim I would love that!"

I followed him to the front doors, we grabbed our coats because it was a brutal winter, and headed towards the elevator. As soon as the doors closed Jim turned to me and smirked.

"This is going to be a little bit of a different kind of lunch."

"Jim? What're you talking abo-"

Before I could elicit a response Jim pressed his body against mine and licked my bottom lip, nibbling it as well and pulling a moan from my core. I could feel Jim's pants beginning to tighten against my thigh and I slipped my hand between us, brushing my fingertips against the bulge forming between us.

The elevator ringed, letting us know we hit the lobby. I lightly pushed Jim off of me and straightened my pencil skirt. Fortunately enough for Jim, no one was in the lobby and we ran outside towards the blue mini van that he had rented the week before to help him move. He claimed it was cheaper than a moving van.

"Jim where are we going?"

I was beyond confused as we both went into the back of his minivan, seats down and a soft blanket thrown over them with a couple pillows. Christmas lights were pinned to the inside roof of the car. I couldn't say anything as I crawled towards a pillow and laid down on my stomach, enjoying not having to sit anymore than I had been all morning. Before I could turn and say anything to Jim, I saw hands on each side of my face and I felt pressure towards my ass as lips were pressed against my neck, slightly nibbling at the sensitive skin. A moaned slipped through my lips and I felt Jim push his throbbing erection against my ass again, bitting harder into my neck.

"Jim..." I couldn't catch my breath. "Are we really doing this in the parking lot?"


I adjusted myself, rubbing my ass against his now extremely tight pants and felt him pulse on me. I turned my face towards him, kissing his lips hard, biting and sucking on his bottom lip. The windows were starting to steam up and Jim pulled away from me, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. I went to go flip onto my back so I could pull off my pencil skirt more easily but I was pushed back down. I turned my head to see Jim's hand pressed against the center of my back. The light brown in his eyes I was used to had shifted to a dark brown.

"No. I want you to stay like that. Slide it off."

This wasn't the Jim I was used too. This Jim was dominant and lust filled; only concerned for his own needs. God, I've never been my as wet for someone before now. I complied and struggled to slide my skirt off of my legs, after unzipping it, only making it over my ass, as Jim was still pushing me into the backseats. I felt Jim's hand on the back let up for just a second as he pulled off the rest of my skirt. I heard something tear.

"Jim? What was tha-" I whimpered as I felt Jim push his hard cock into my tight pussy. I couldn't control anything that was happening anymore. Everything was tight and hot and I could only play along. I was still soaking wet from the elevator trip and I could feel Jim all the way in my stomach. I heard him moan and oh god was it hot. I pushed my ass back a towards him, feeling the end of his white dress shirt touch my bare skin. Instead of the moan I wanted Jim pushed my head into the pillow so I could turn to look at him.

"tsk tsk, I thought you were better than this..." I felt his breathe on my ear and shivers went through my whole body. I had never been so turned on and nervous at the same time. He lightly bit my ear and left a kiss on he back of my neck.

"...I get to decide when I want to hear you scream."

Absolute shock. Before I could even register what happened Jim pulled my hair back causing me to moan. Everything got so rough and every small noises that I made caused him to tug on y hair harder and harder. My neck was so strained I knew it was going to be sore later, but I was letting out these inhuman noises as he pounded into me.

"J-jimmm s-sloW downN... I- I'm gonna-"

Jim's hand slipped around my neck and he stopped my from finishing my sentence. He stopped, and I felt his throbbing erection pulsing inside of me. I felt him breathe into my hair.

"Did I give you permission to speak?"


Was all I could get out with his grip on me. I had never heard this voice come out of Jim. I've only ever known the sweet goofball salesman Jim. Though this was something I couldn't have ever dreamed of.

"Now are you going to be good for me?" And before I could respond Jim let go of my throat and started pounding into me faster than before and the whole van was filled with panting and moaning. Everything was getting rough and uneven, no rhythm and I knew he was close.

"J-Jim...pull o-ouU!"

"Hey there sleeping beauty, have a nice nap?"

I looked up from my desk behind reception and groggily opened up my eyes to meet Jim's green orbs. I glanced at my computer screen; 5:08pm. Fuck.

"Michael saw you dozed off, made some pretty interesting jokes and had us stay quiet for you. Pretty slow day though so I mean you didn't miss much."

"wow umm thank you?" I had no idea how to look at that little grin he was giving me without getting turned on.

"What'd you dream of? You seem pretty out of it for 4 hour nap."

My mouth went dry. Was it a dream? I definitely feel sore and my throat seems scratchy. Casual, gotta seem causal.

"Nothing too crazy, I promise!"

He laughed a little and so did I.

"Let's get out of here, yeah?"

I nodded as I stood up, a little off balance, and grabbed my coat....but it was on a different hanger though? probably just my grogginess in the way.

"Wanna grab a coffee?"

*Jim in conference room on camera*

"Okay so maybe I stretched a truth a little bit. I mean, dreams do come true right?"

-classic Jim ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ into camera-
gif at beginning

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