Have you ever wondered if magic was real or if mystical creatures really existed? Well in the world you think you live isn't all what you think it is.
Lynn Ryon was a girl who not only believed in magic and mystical creatures she lived in it. Not knowing she was Alpha Female or the fact that she wasn't just your everyday Alpha she was someone who was more than just special. She was the only descendant left of the great Arthur Pendragon. She was a royal who not only had powers but also was the only one who could stop what was to come.
Ace Alapisco was the guy who not only you wanted to be but was a descendant of Merlin the Wizard. Does he know it? Yes, but his destiny had bigger plans for him than just party tricks and legends. Knowing who Lynn was he feared her because he himself was an Alpha but unlike Lynn he grew up in a pack who believed every myth and legend thrown at them. Knowing of her but never meeting her makes him curious to know if she ever existed.
The world they know is not just going to be turned upside down but it will be transformed into what they know as War. Will they stand tall and over come it like their ancestors or will they fail, destroying mankind with it?
That's all I was doing was running. Sometimes I do it for fun and other times I do it cause I have to. This was one of those times were I had to run, was forced to run.
"Ryon let's go! I know you're capable of running faster!"
Cross Country was my strong suit but not when I've been running for more than three hours.
'Let me help you. You can rest and I will run for you through your body'
My wolf yelled at me but I ignored Aenvay and pushed myself to run faster without people noticing a difference. As we finished up I laid on the ground relaxing after running three hours straight in the rain. I continued to lay there as everyone grabbed their bags and went home. Rae came up to me extending her hand out for me to grab.
"Some run huh?"
Rae was beautiful, with her curvy body and her long auburn curly hair, everyone wanted her. We've been friends for 15 years now and we both just turned 20.
"Hello are you even paying attention?!"
She waved her hand in front of my face bringing me back to focus, shaking my head I smiled at her sheepishly.
"Sorry, anyways ready to get out of this rain?"
We both looked up before laughing and walking to my Jeep as we got there I sensed something off in the distance. I looked at Rae who was looking at me confused.
"What's wrong? Lynn what's going on?"
I shoved her towards the door while shaking my head.
"Are they out there?"
I turned the Jeep on then backed out, when we were both living on our own I shifted by accident in front of her, but she didn't flinch and since then we became inseparable.
"Yah there's something out there, but I can't tell what it is so let's just go home, it's Friday and we do have that party to get to tonight."
She laughed before we took off, as I looked left into the forest I saw red eyes staring back at me.
Rae pulled me back just in time for me to dodge the wolf in front of my Jeep, I growled while skidding to a stop. I growled again while looking at the wolf before stepping out.

Daughter's Throne: Her Reign
FantasíaHave you ever wondered if magic was real or if mystical creatures really existed? Well in the world you think you live isn't all what you think it is. Lynn Ryon was a girl who not only believed in magic and mystical creatures she lived in it. Not kn...