The Brigade

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Chapter 1 

Bang! Bang! Bang! I fired three rounds into the human shaped target about a hundred yards away. All bullseyes; just the way I liked it. I flipped a switch on the wall beside me, and the target begen to move from side to side. I took a deep breath and aimed through the sights of the glock 18 I was using. Time seemed to slow as it always does when I'm shooting. I slipped into what I call my tunnel vision. The only thing I saw was the target. I only heard my rhythmic heart beat. Bang! I fired the last bullet in my magazine. I jogged over to my target to inspect my results. My footsteps echoed inside the concrete firing range. I reached my target and frowned. The last one hadn't been a bullseye. Suddenly I tensed. I heard the faint click of a door closing from the entrance of the range. Adrenaline rushed into my veins. Suddenly I heard a voice call

"Hey Daniel!" I relaxed and turned around to see my long time friend/family member and fellow mutant Vanessa. Yes we are mutants so just chill out. It's probably about time to introduce myself. Hi Im Daniel. I am sixteen years old and I live in a top secret military base in the middle of a desert presumably somewhere in the western united states. I'm not the only mutant here though. I live with my family. Their names are Vanessa, age 14, Alice, age 16, Tyrone, age 15, and then little Bruce age 10.

Each of us are what the scientists call "hybrids" meaning that we are mostly human with a tiny bit of animal DNA grafted to ours. These bits of DNA give us some pretty cool abilities. Vanessa is part wasp. She kind of scared me when I was little because she has 5 wasp stingers on each finger. You're probably thinking so what? It's just a wasp sting. Well let's do some math. A human like you has five fingers on each hand. Come to think of it most mutants except for those unfortunate unsuccessful experiment also have five fingers. But that's not the point! 5 stingers times 5 fingers is 25 stingers on one hand. So just one hand is extremely painful. Now think if she got two hands on you. Ouch. Another thing about her stinger is that they sting whenever the mak contact with someone so she usually wears gloves.Vanessa also can zip around and dodge at alarming speeds. appearence wise Vanessa is Hispanic with brown eyes and brown skin.

Alice is part leopard. She can run close to thirty miles an hour, but she has been clocked at 36. That's fast. Not to mention that she is insanely, creepily flexible. Alice has uncanny vision in the dark and has a vertical leap of about 15 feet. Alice has long golden hair that whips around when she is running. She has fair skin with some freckles on her arms and face with shining blue eyes. She is probably the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on. Okay so I live in a military base and only know one other girl but trust me she's hot.

Next up is Tyrone or Ty for short. Ty is part bat and my best friend in the entire freaking universe. Ty is a master spy and nearly invisible. I guess because he looks so well normal. Sometimes you can look right past him. He is semi nocturnal. I mean he stays awake during the day but he can't see anything in broad daylight, unless, he has his super duper polarized glasses. He also prefers to be upside down. In a way though he can see better than anyone because he can echolocate like a bat. He can see thing that anyone else would look over. Ty is African American and like I said before doesn't have any features that make him stand out.

The next person in my family is little Bruce. He and Alice are cousins I think. Although they have little resemblance. Bruce is part gorilla. He has incredible brute strength and is surprisingly nimble too. Bruce has some trouble controlling his own strength though. He has been known to accidentally smash holes in some walls. By the way do not give him cake, ice cream, or anything excessively sugary. On his birthday he had a couple slices of cake. Let me tell you that was the worst mistake I have ever made in my entire life. Long story short we didn't sleep for around 3 days. As crazy as he is I love him. Bruce is short and stocky with black hair and black eyes.

Then there is me. I'll admit I am a little different. Instead of getting one tiny dose of DNA I got three even tinier bits of different DNA. These selections were chosen to improve my senses and instincts. I have eagle sight fox hearing which if you did not know is extremely good. A little fun fact for you, a fox can hear a watch tick from 40 yards away. I also have jackal Instincts. Allow me to explain. Jackals are ferocious and rely on their animal instinct over intelligence. Humans though rely on their superior intellect which dulls you animal instinct. With my jackal side I can be intelligent and still have my animal instinct. My jackal side senses where someone will aim a punch or when some on is going to pull the trigger of a gun. Pretty cool right?

Anyways where we're we? Oh yeah I was meeting up with Vanessa. I jogged over to her. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her hand were wrapped like she had be hitting a punching bag. Poor bag.

"so, what's up?" I asked when I reached her. She grinned at me and said,

"we got a new agent to train with," I returned the smile. We were constantly training with different CIA or FBI agents. None of them lasted more than a few weeks. One guy named Agent Smileylasted a record shattering 2 months. "you're never gonna believe what his name is," she said barely containing her excitement. Before I could hazard a guess she blurted out" Agent Bond!" I bursted out laughing we had a trainer name Agent bond it was just to perfect.

"I gotta meet this guy," I said after I had calmed down.

"that's the other reason I'm here," Vanessa said " we have hand to hand with him in like 5 minutes.

"what are we waiting for," I asked as I opened the door. Vanessa waltzed through and led me out of the range. We hopped up a flight of stairs and merged into one of the main hallways. We walked with some of the scientists but we might as well have been walking with a wall. I mean if walls had legs and had their faces pressed up against a clipboard. The walls were a blinding white and everything smelled like hand sanitizer. We passed rooms with all kinds of stuff in it, but I had to look away when we passed the room with the failures in it. The experiments that had gone wrong. Useless combinations of genes. Most of them didn't even have was really a depressing sight. I perked up though when I saw my security guard friend Chandler. I waved to him, and he beckoned me over to his post.

"Yo Daniel are we still on for that poker game tonight?" he asked.

"uh yeah," I answered "if you aren't afraid to lose all of your money to me."

"keep dreaming my man, keep dreaming." with that I waved goodbye and caught up with Vanessa. It was time to meet James Bond.

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