Sand, sand, and more sand

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Sand, sand, and more sand. That's all I saw while walking through the desert. There was a steady breeze blowing sand across the road.With my enhanced hearing I could hear tiny critters scurrying around. We walked in silence. Right know Bruce was carrying Alice with ease. The dry desert air sucked the moisture out of my mouth like a vaccum. We followed the dusty road in single file. Agent Bond, then Vanessa, then me, then Ty, and finally Bruce. Ty was nearly invisible during the night. Stars blazed over head. I liked looking at the stars, it's very humbling. It lets you know how small you are in the universe. I tried to find some constellations. We had to learn some for navigation training in case we didn't have a compass. I found Ursa major, the bear. Then Gemini, the twins. Leo, the lion. Orion, the hunter, and finally Pegasus. Whoever found these things originally must've been very creative. I don't understand how you can just look at some stars,and say hey those kind of resemble a bear. Hey that's why I am not a scientist. Nobody said anything we were all lost in our own thoughts. I felt strangely at peace even though I had beeen attacked by assasins only an hour and a half ago. I needed to talk with Ty about Agent Bond again. I slipped back, and fell in stride with Ty.

"You still think he's a traitor don't you," He said just as I was opening.

"Yeah I do," I whispered back. "How do we know Agent Bond isn't telling N.E.W. era everything about us?"

"[insert your choice of curse word  here]! Be logical Daniel. N.E.W. era is for a bunch of Russian pychopaths. Does Agent Bond look the tiniest bit Russian to you? Does he have an accent? For God's sake He is nowhere close to being insane," Ty whispered harshly.

"Okay fine, but he's barely scratched from the attack, and he's not genetically altered."

"But he's a highly trained CIA agent!" Ty said through clenched teath. "We can't afford to not trust our group. These are our friends, team mates, and heck practically your family."

"This is different," I started.

"Daniel, we can't keep secrets," Ty said intensely. "Tell me where did you go that night you said you were taking a walk?"

"Oh crap," I thought.

"I took a walk around the building."

"Don't lie to me man," He said. "Why was their a bunch of sand in your shoes?" He nailed me. Why was he so observant?

"That has nothing to do with this," I exclaimed. He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe not, but don't try to keep everything to yourself because I can and will find out. And with that he picked up his pace, and left me with Bruce.

"You want me to take her Tarzan?" I asked. He nodded. I scooped up Alice, and became engulfed in my own thoughts. I felt bad for Bruce. Alice is like a Big sister to him. He was taking all of this very maturly. I was impressed. No matter how much you train a ten year old is a ten year old. Tarzan was acting unusually calm.

"You alright man?" I asked him. He looked up, and in the moonlight I could see tears swimming in his eyes.

"I'm scared Danny," He said.

"I'm scared too," I said.

"This isn't training anymore, what if something bad happens to any of us. What if Alice won't be okay?"

God I hated these questions. I was much better at answering things like, "Where is the most likely place to find a gun in a convenience store," 

"Look Bruce," I said. "I've always found that what ifs are nothing but trouble. Try thinking what if nothing bad happens, or what if Alice will be okay."

Tarzan smiled and he gave me a gorilla hug. as he let go I noticed something strange. Bruce was crying.

Sorry kinda short. Also if anyone does cover designs ley me know

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