Things Get Ugly

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"Scatter!" I yelled as about 20 men with silenced weapons emerged from behind sand dunes, and rocks. Everybody scampered off in different directions. Except Alice. Alice must have been injured by the grenade. Instantly I felt an adrenaline rush surge through my veins. My senses opened up. 

I took off towards Alice, unholstering my pistol as I ran. I heard the sounds of suppressed gunfire. My jackal side told me to roll. I rolled, and felt a bullet soar by me. A man with a shotgun appeared in front of me. I fired , and hit his leg. He collapsed to the ground. I then smacked him in the head with my gun. My jackal sense told me to move I leaped forward, as a bullet hit the sand where was standing moments before. With my fox hearing I hear Alice yell for help. I was in full rage mode now. I popped up, sprinted to Alice's side. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. It was a dumb question. The explosive must have been a fragment grenade. Alice had avoided the initial blast, but the flying shrapnel had cut up her beautiful face, and a deep gash ran down her left leg.

"Yeah," She said weakly. I felt my jackal side tell me to move. I grabbed Alice and rolled out of the way. A bullet landed in the sand where we were sitting. I zoomed in with my eagle vision, and saw a sniper about a hundred yards away. I took aim with my pistol, and fired. Lets just say he wasn't shooting another round. I picked Alice up and took off toward the nearest rock. 

"Stay here," I instructed, and then ran off to help Vanessa. Vanessa had disarmed three men, and the came at her with knives. Vanessa had her pistol in hand she pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. She was out of ammo. She cursed loudly, and pulled out her electro knife. she zipped to one guy, and slashed at him with her knife he blocked it with his own dagger, but the electricity channeled into his knife zapping him like a taser. Meanwhile the other two were swinging at her. she dodged the best she could, but these guys were trained killers. It was almost like they had trained with people that quick. one guy swiped at Vanessa's legs. She jumped,  but the other man punched her hard in the chest. She fell onto the desert sand. One guy held her down as the other tried to stab her. Just then Ty materialized out of the shadows, and buried his knife into his back. That one was dead. I took aim and shot the other. Vanessa got up.

"Thanks guys," she said as she reloaded her revolver.

I looked, and saw agent bond beating up some guys with Bruce. Tarzan's titanium knuckles did major damage. assassins were flying everywhere. all of a sudden an assassin tackled Ty. And punched him in the face. Ty let out an oof. I was about to grab the guy, but Vanessa beat me to it. she dug her hand into the man's back leaving lots of red welts. He hollered in pain. Ty kicked the man in the face. His head snapped back. He was out cold. I helped Ty up. I saw Bruce slug the last assassin in the chest. I sprinted over there, and grabbed the assassin.

"Who are you working for!" I yelled. Nothing. "Tell me," I hollered. Isocked him in the nose. Nothing. In a flash he popped a pill in his mouth.

"You have no idea what you're up against," He said in a Russian accent. Then his eyes bulged, and he went limp. These people were serious, they were professional. They would die rather than talk. They were ruthless. Well I could be ruthless too.

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