James Bond take two

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When I got back to my room Ty was sleeping upside down. I snuck into my room and crawled into bed. My heart was racing still. All I could think about was that Alice kissed me. She kissed me. She kissed me! With that I drifted to sleep, and dreamt of her lips touching mine. The next morning I woke up to Ty shaking me. 

“Wake up man!” He said into my ear. “Jesus, you sleep heavily.” I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

“Alright, I’m up,” I grumbled.

“Okay,” he replied. “Be at the hand to hand combat arena in half an hour.”

“Fine,” I said. Ty left the room and I rolled out of bed. The cold air made me shiver. Then I remembered what happened last night, and smiled. I put on my training clothes, and went to have breakfast. I stepped out of my bedroom, and yawned. Bruce was watching SpongeBob, and eating cereal. He laughed when Patrick ran into a wall. 

“Morning Tarzan,” I called.

“Hi Danny,” he replied happily. Bruce loves me, and Ty. I walked over to our kitchen, and grabbed the box of Apple Jacks; they’re my favorite. I poured myself a bowl, and sat down next to Tarzan on the couch. We ate cereal, and watched SpongeBob together. When we finished I looked at the time.

“Holy cow,” I exclaimed. “We’ve got to get going. In a flash we were up off the couch, and out the door. We sprinted down the hallway, and took the stairs three at a time. Tarzan and I made it just in time. The others were stretching out, and getting lose before we started to train. We joined them. Also stretching was our good friend Agent Bond. He seemed fine to me. I avoided eye contact with Alice. I was still unsure of what to think of last night. I mean it felt great at the moment, but how can I have a girlfriend that I’ve lived with for the past 16 years of my life. It was like dating my sister. Yuck! Oh the joys of being an adolescent mutant experiment. I tried to push it all out of my mind. I walked over to Ty.

"So, what are you going to do with your poker winnings?" I asked.

He shrugged,"I don't know I mean it's not like we have a mall here in the beautiful town of The Middle of Nowhere."

"Fair enough," I said. Just then Agent Bond stood up.

"Alright," he announced. "Let's start where we left off. Bruce why don't you come on up here." Bruce practically sprinted up to the ring. They both assumed fighting stances. "Go!" Agent Bond shouted. Tarzan immediately through a powerful righthanded hook. Agent Bond was ready for it. He grabbed Bruce's forearm, and used his momentum to make Tarzan spin like a top. Agent Bond then swept his leg underneath Bruce's. Tarzan was sprawled out on the floor. Agent Bond put his hand down on Bruce's chest preventing him ffrom standing up. James Bond however forget about Tarzan's brute strength. In a flash Tarzan shoved James Bond. He sat down hard. Tarzan scrambled up and soon had Agent Bond pinned to to the ground. 

"Fine, you win," Agent Bond grumbled. Bruce released him and exited the ring. He fist bumped me and Ty then stood next to Alice. For a moment our eyes met but I quickly looked away. James Bond got a quick drink and then stepped back into the ring. "Ty, how about you go next. Out of all of my family Ty was probably the weakest at a frontal attack like this. He specializes in stealth. Ty is more at home when he catches you by suprise. Although he may not be the best in hand to hand nobody cab pick a lock faster than him. Ty adjusted his shades and got ready to fight.

"Go!" Agent Bond yelled. He jabbed at Ty's ribs, but Ty caught his fingers and twisted Agent Bond's arm. I heard some joints crack. Ty had Agent Bond chicken winged. James Bond stayed calm and shot back with his free arm. He landed a glancing blow off Ty's cheek. The punch knocked Ty's glasses off, and they skittered away from him. Ty instinctively had to shield his eyes from the sudden entourage of light. In his moment of panic he released his hold on Agent Bond. Ty now relied on his echolocation to see. Ty got his bearings straight and suddenly started todive for his glasses, but right as he was about to leap he stopped. Agent Bond bit on the fake and tried to intercept Ty's dive. He was off balance and Ty seized his opportunity. Ty caught Agent Bond and put him in a full nelson with his arms under Agent Bond's arms and his hands intertwined behind Agent Bond's head. He was pinned. 

James Bond admitted defeat, and Ty released him. Ty picked up his glasses and exited the ring without a word. 

 I'll admit that I was impressed with Ty's handiwork. He was blinded for a few seconds and still won. Now it was my turn to win. Agent Bond by now was not happy. He had been emberassed by 4 teenagers, and one 10 year old. Now I know that we've been genetically enhanced and all but still. I could practically feel the shame and anger radiating off of him. He stared daggers at me, but then tried to calm himself. 

"Alright Daniel," He said in a forced neutral voice. "It looks like your the last one."

"Looks like it," I replied happily. I walked up to the ring and got ready. I could barely contain my excitement. Here's the thing I don't enjoy beating people into submission, or bullying my opponent. Unless my opponent happened to be an assasin who was trying to kill me or something like that. This was just playing around. So Vanessa knocked Agent Bond unconcious on accident. She didn't enjoy it though.

Anyways without warning James Bond launched into a snap kick aimed at my knee. I was suprised but thankfully my jackal instincts pulled my leg away before he made any contact. He didn't stop though he fueled his momentum into a back kick. I caught his foot and shoved it upward making him flop onto his back. Agent Bond wasn't down for long though. He scrambled up, but now I was on the offensive. I feinted left and sent a right handed hook that connected with his face. He staggered back, and righted himself.

My knuckles hurt a little bit but my adrenaline was pumping. The pain was dulled. James Bond tried a straight punch, but I blocked it with my forearm. I then shoved him back into the ropes. I gotta give him props for a CIA human he's retty smart. Agent Bond  bounced off the ropes and landed a kick right to my stomach making me gasp for air. I reminded myself that pain is merely a message I can ignore it. I staggered backwards. Agent Bond was coming at me. He was giving everything he had. I stayed calm, and lashed out with two quick jabs to his stomach. I then finshed with a solid upper cut to his chin. My Jackal side pushes me to keep whaling on him, but I had learned to mostly control my animal insticts unles I wanted them to be alert. I took some deep breaths and forced myself out of the ring. I looked back, and saw Agent Bond groaning on the floor. Instantly I felt guilty. I had really hurt him.

Alice was on the ring giving him some water. The others were standing off to the side. Uh. I felt like a monster. I knew I was supposed to end up as a killing machine but personally I hated leaving people in pain just because somebody says to go beathim up. I realize that Agent Bond was willing to fight me but still I had hurt him. Now I had to do something I hated more than losing all of my money in poker, and more than living as an experiment. I had to apologize. I am very full of pride. I do not like to admit defeat or confess to something. This time I had to do it. I walked back into the ring, and approached Agent Bond. I knelt beside him, and Alice.

"Wallace," I said calling him by his first name. He looked up at me. "I'm sorry if I hurt you too bad." Alice looked at me as if I had just proposed to him.

"It's okay, Daniel," He responded with A wry half smile. "I was asking for it any way."

"If it makes you feel any better," Alice interjected. "You're probably the best agent we've had. The other guys only last about thirty seconds tops. I timed you, and you lasted a minute and 6 seconds."

"Thanks Alice," He said with an eyeroll. I laughed and helped him up. I guess sometimes it's better to help someone than fight them. Besides I can't hang out with Ty, and Bruce all the time.   

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