Trapped like lab rats

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We wove our way through the crowd of people. The smells and sounds of the cafeteria were a bit overwhelming. The brew of different smells fought each other for attention. It was an odd sensation. I glanced over at Tarzan who was already bonding with the gator twins. Toby was nervously chatting with Vanessa. His hands were shaking like crazy. Toby kept combing his light brown hair over and over again. He flashed a quick grin when Vanessa laughed at something he said. My guess was that Toby's quick reaction kept him on edge all of the time; he couldn't sit still. It was kind of like my jackal instincts but on a higher scale. Dr. Avi was chatting with Agent Bond. I strained with to hear what they were hearing, but even with my enhanced auditory senses I couldn't hear a word they were saying over the drone of the crowd. I caught up to Ty. When I reached him he looked like he was going to get sick.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's too noisy in here," He said weakly. "All of the different conversations are making my head hurt. With my ultrasonic hearing I pretty much focus on every sound but when there are this many sounds it just gives me a headache."

I grimaced. "Can you tell what Dr. Avi and Agent Bond are saying?" I asked hopefully.

"Daniel I really thought we dropped this," He said. "I know you cant tell behind the shades but trust me I'm rolling my eyes.

"Come on," I said exasperated.

"Just to prove it to you, fine," He said. Ty listened for a second as Dr. Avi answered a phone call. Ty strained even more and stopped in his tracks as Dr. Avi hung up.

"What is it?" I asked desperately.

Ty gulped. "We're surrounded."

"Oh crap," I muttered. "Do you believe me now?"

"I guess so," he admitted

"Finally," I murmured.

"Everyone wait!" Dr. Avi yelled over the crowd. Everyone stopped. "Don't panic, but N.E.W. era is on too of us.," Toby's face went starch white. "Now there is an emergency elevator in my office that goes directly into the casino. You ten have to get up there and escape. After the area is clear I will send out your squad of soldiers to meet you. You all have to get out. I honestly don't care if you wreck the casino just get out and get out fast.

"Will you be okay?" Kelly asked.

"I will be fine," Dr. Avi said with a slight smile.

"We have to get to that elevator. If the assassins find out how to get down here out entire facility could be destroyed," Agent Bond pointed out.

"Hold up a minute," I said. "How do we know we can trust you?."

"What do you mean you can't trust me?" He shot back.

"Daniel what's going on?" Alice asked.

"Think about it guys," I said. Our plane just happened to get shot down when he was piloting, we were attacked in a desert by assassins. I mean how could they even know where we were unless someone told them?"

"Why would I ever do that?" He yelled. "Do you think I want the world to blow up in nuclear warfare?"

"If you're as insane as all of your other cohorts ," I said.

"The evidence is is overwhelming," Ty said. "I didn't think this was true at first either but now that you led us down 4 stories under Las Vegas and we're surrounded I think something is up."

The aquatic division looked thoroughly confused.

"Look," Agent bond sighed. "There may be a spy among us, but it's not me. I do know that if we stay here we are all going to die.

I sighed. "Fine but if anyone dies you are going to be sorry for double crossing us," I threatened.

He shrugged sowing no emotion. I know it was part of his training to keep a straight face, but it still made me mad. How could he be so calm?

"Let's go guys,"I Said turning on my heels. Dr. Avi led the way. We sprinted up a flight of stairs. Everyone was quiet. My heart was already pounding. We all carried our weapons with us at all times like we were trained to. My pistols were strapped to my waist, my sniper was folded up in my backpack, and my knife was in its rubber sheath that was strapped to my leg. From what it looked like the other mutants carried weapons with them too. Kelly held a Glock and a double edged commando knife. On Toby's belt were... Throwing Knives? Whoa. The gator twins had freaking sledge hammers strapped to their backs. Man, we had a pre teen wrecking crew with us.

I know most little kids are destructive, but I think this is a little more than destructive. Normal 10 year olds destroy Lego buildings, ours destroy real ones. Go figure. We kept a brisk pace through the labyrinth of halls. We Finally got to Dr. Avi's lavish office. The vanilla colored tiles turned into spotless hard wood floor. There was a large desk in the middle of the room. There was a lot of empty space in the room. The odd thing was the chimney in the corner. That must be where the secret elevator was hidden. Sure enough Dr. Avi scurried over to a gurgling fountain on the opposite side of the room. Dr. Avi pushed in the bronze plate at the base of the statue. It turned over. Dr. Avi punched in a string of numbers. I heard a small hiss and I wheeled around to see an elevator appear in the flue of the chimney.

"All of you be careful," Dr. Avi said. I pray that none of you get hurt." I thought that I saw some tears well up behind his oversized glasses. He was like a father to the other mutants. I kind of wished Dr. Miller had been a bit more involved with us. I felt a twinge of guilt, but quickly shook it off.

"One at a time go up the elevator. I will spit you out in a bathroom stall that has been out of order since the hotel opened. Good luck."

Kelly stepped up and was whisked away. I stepped up as the elevator shot back down. I stepped in and was shot upward into the peril awaiting.


Readers I have been busy lately with school sorry I can't update more.

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