The other mutants

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Hello readers the last chapter was a little too short for me so I made this one longer! Keep reading!

I slept like a rock in the Mojave Desert. I was worried though. We were 60 yard under ground with a possible traitor. If in fact this was a trap we were done for. I was sunburnt, no sun charred bone tired, and in unfamiliar territory. It was not the best situation I had ever been in. The facility was interesting though. I had always thought that I lived in the main base, but this one dwarfed the one in California. It was pro ably three times the size. More rooms, more facilities, more places to hide. I was intrigued about the other mutants. I had never met another mutant besides Lance. All I knew was that there were four of them. I didn't know what gender and I didn't know what their abilities were. My dreams were spasmodic, and fitful. I hated not knowing. It's a pet peeve of mine. I like to be in the loop. I woke up earlier than usual, and somehow I felt even more tired than when I fell asleep. I made myself a huge cup of coffee. I don't really love coffee but it does wonders with drowsiness. I sat on my bed, staring at the wall. The wall was like a movie screen though, and my brain was the projector. I replayed my entire trip, trying to find things that I might have missed. I ran it all through. Dr. Miller, Lance, the plane crash, the night attack, the dog days of traveling, the coyote attack. Nothing made sense.

"Ahhhhhhh," I yelled in frustration. I punched a pillow like it was an assassin. There was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath in and plastered an smile on my face. I had to make it look like I was confident. I peered through the peep hole. It was Bruce up on his tippy toes he strained his neck to look through the peep hole. I swung the door open. Bruce was grinning. At least one of us was up beat.

"Hi Danny," he said. "the funny man with the ginormous glasses says it's time to meet the other mutants." that perked me up.

"Great," I said shutting my door. "let's go,"

"we're supposed to meet them in the cafe," Bruce said. I reached for the elevator button when suddenly Bruce shouted,"wait! I wanna push the button." I stepped back, and Tarzan carefully pushed the button, and stepped away. The bell dinged and we entered the elevator. The steel doors closed and we went down. The doors opened once more and Bruce, and I alighted the elevator. I took his hand. We followed the hallway marked food court. Soon enough we found it. The sign said food court, but this place was more like food stadium. It was massive. I scanned the room for my family, but there were too many people.

"Let's look around," I said. I weaver my way through the crowd. I saw pretty much everyone in the building but who I was look in for. Finally at the very end of the food stadium I spotted Alice's Golden curls cascading down her back. I did a mental face palm. Of course we would be in the empty part of the stadium. This was confidential. As Bruce, and I approached the table Ty turned around. He must have heard us with his super duper ultrasonic hearing.

"Here they are," Ty said. Heads turned. I saw Ty, Alice with stitches, Vanessa, Agent Bond, Avi, and four other people that Had to bee the other mutants. There were three guys, and one girl. The girl was drop dead gorgeous, just to put it out there. She had jet black hair darker than anything I'd ever seen. She had electric blue eyes that radiated power. This girl was tough. I could just tell. Then something struck me. Black hair and blue eyes are not common together. Strange. The guy sitting next to her was kind of short with dusty brown hair. He looked jumpy. He was ringing his hands together like he was expecting something terrible to happen. I moved onto the next two. They were identical twins with identical buzz cuts, and Identical goofy smiles. I could tell Bruce had just found his two best friends. Their skin looked different though. It was rough looking, and ridged. Interesting.

"Have a seat Daniel, Bruce," Avi said. He gestured to the two empty seats. I sat down next to Alice. "Well then now that we're all here why don't we start with introductions. Kelly will you start?"

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