A night in the desert

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Thanks for reading! Here is Chapter 7!

After our poker game I laid in my bed, letting my thoughts wander. Eventually they wandered to Alice. Man, is she perfect. She’s the hottest girl I’ve ever met. Granted I’ve only met a few, but still. The way her hair honey blond hair whips around her when she fights. The way her bright blue eyes sparkle when she laughs at me. Not to mention she can run thirty miles an hour and can kill a person with a paper clip. She is the only one for me. I turned over to go to sleep, but I couldn’t. I decide to take a walk. I hopped out of bed, and put a shirt on. I slipped out of my room. The door silently shut behind me. I looked around, and saw Ty reading a book on the couch. I thought about talking to him, but I decided against it. I tiptoed toward the door when Ty asked,

“Where are you going?” Curse his ultrasonic hearing.

“I’m taking a walk,” I replied.

“Kay. Just wondering,” he said. I slipped out into the hallway and started down the hallway. I strolled through the corridor, stretching my legs. Suddenly my raptor vision focused on a figure at the opposite end of the hallway. It was Alice. She must have seen me too because literally in a flash she was standing face to face with me. She also had me pinned to a wall. When she recognized me she let go of my neck, and said,

“Oh, sorry about that Daniel. I thought you were a guard or someone trying to sneak up on me.”

“Okay,” I responded “First of all, who can sneak up on you, and second of all what are you doing out here?”

“Just taking a walk,” Alice said playing innocent. I gave her a look but let it go.

“Cool,” I said, “You want to maybe get out of here for a little bit.” “Oh my God! What did I just do!” I thought

“Are you asking me out?” She responded looking surprised.

“Uh, yeah I guess,” I nervously blurted out. She shrugged, tossing her golden hair.

“Just making sure” She said. “Yeah, I’d like that, but where are we going to go?” She asked.

“Well, I hear that the desert outside of the top secret training facility is nice this time of year.”

“Let’s go,” she said as she sped down the hallway.

“Holy crap,” I thought. “I’m on a date with Alice. I was overjoyed, and sped down the hallway after her. It all happened so quickly and surprisingly easily. Alice was waiting for me by a window that she opened. I don’t know how she did it because for “safety reasons” they were always sealed tight.

“How did you-,” I started.

“Like I’d ever tell you,” she smirked. “Last one to the desert is as slow as Agent Bond,” She taunted as she leapt gracefully out the window. Without hesitation I followed. The wind rushed past my face as I free fell. I landed almost as silently as Alice on the rooftop. With me raptor vision I could see her golden hair billow behind her. I sprinted after her. My feet barely made a sound on the dusty clay roof. I did not want any guards catching us. Alice was pulling away. I poured on the speed, as I felt my adrenaline rush come on. Coming up on me fast was a ten foot chimney. Oh crap. Alice soared over the chimney, and did a double front flip for style. I decided to run around it. As I came around it I saw Alice jump off the edge of the roof, clear the barbed wire fence that surrounded the base, and stick the landing on the other side. I couldn’t jump quite that far, but I could make it to the desert. I took a leap of faith and became airborne. I saw a guard walk right below me. I prayed that he didn’t look up. Thankfully he kept his eyes trained straight ahead. The barbed wire fence was approaching. My jackal side told me to tuck into a ball, so I did. I am glad I did so, because my butt nearly got snagged on the fence. I missed the top by centimeters. After clearing the fence I untucked, and landed, bending my knees to absorb the shock. I stood up straight and saw Alice’s beautiful face. 

“That was impressive, Daniel,” she told me. “I didn’t know you could jump that far. You cleared 25 feet. Oh yeah you’re still as slow as Agent Bond.”

“Sorry I’m not part leopard,” I answered with mock exasperation. And with that I took off into the desert. Alice gave me a head start and then started after me. She caught up pretty quickly. We were running side by side. It was nice. The cool and dry desert air rushed past me. I felt free. This was one of the first times that I had been outside of the walls. I felt like I could run forever. Everything was a blur. Then I tripped. Then I fell on top of Alice.

“Great job klutz,” I thought. I was literally on top of Alice. Our faces were inches apart. I could smell her cinnamon toothpaste. “You okay?” I asked

“Fine,” she said.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re beautiful?” I asked as I wiped some dirt off of her face.

“To be honest,” She said with a smile, “You’re the first person to say that to me.”

“That’s hard to believe, because it’s so noticeable.” And with that, before I knew what was happening Alice threw her arms around my neck pulled me down and kissed me square on the lips. I didn’t resist. It was a quick kiss, but wow was it spectacular. It was like fireworks were obliterating inside my brain. We broke apart, and she let out a little nervous giggle. 

“Wow,” was all I could say.

“Oh, uh sorry Daniel,” She gasped. “I don’t know what got into me I-”

“Shh, it’s alright. Let’s just keep this a secret though, okay?”

“Okay,” She assured me. And with that we took off back towards the base. We were holding hands.           

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