chapter 3: will you be my boyfriend?

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Evans POV

 “WH-why, there are so many, why would you cut yourself Evan…this…it’s bad for you, what would make you do something like this?” Jeremy sobbed, I didn’t know what to say, nobody ever saw these but he did, and for once in my life I regretting cutting as I felt his warm tears fall down my wrist.

“Im sorry…please don’t hate me” I cried, cringing at the thought he would bully me.

“I don’t hate, I couldn’t hate you…but im worried about you” he said concerned.

“Don’t be, im fine” I smiled harshly.

“I can see your lying through your teeth…you’re not fine…please just let me help you” he sobbed pulling me in for a tight hug.

“Get off me, I’ll get blood on your shirt” I panicked.

“So what, it’s just a shirt, your more important” he stated hugging me tighter.

I couldn’t help but smile at his words, he thinks im important…no he is just saying that, he doesn’t mean it, im not important. These thought kept running through my head, but Jeremy took in a deep breath and held me closer.

“You are important…never think you’re not” he whispered in my ear, reassuring me, and for a second I actually believed him, and I relaxed letting his warm embrace hold me.

We stayed like that for about twenty minutes at least.

“Let’s get your arm cleaned up” he said dragging me into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit.

“You don’t have to help do this” I sighed.

“I want to” he smiled as his pulled out the disinfectant.

“No” I panicked pulling away my arm.

“It has to be done so it doesn’t get infected, please let me” he said gently grabbing my wrist, I nodded as he poured the solution into my cuts, I hissed at the searing pain and clenched my fist.

‘If It hurts, squeeze on my hand, I’ll help bare some of your pain” Jeremy smiled as he bandaged my wrist.

“Th-thank you…but why go to all the trouble…why are you being so nice?” I sobbed.

“Isn’t it obvious...” he said attentively.

“Why?” I asked dumbfounded.

“I like you Evan…I want you to be my boyfriend” he asked grinning.

“WHAT!! ARE YOU SERIOUS” I shouted in disbelief.

“Wow you could have let me down easy” he frowned, scratching his head.

“What…oh…no…it’s not because I don’t like you, I just can’t believe that an awesome and perfect guy like you would like someone as detestable as me” I said keeping my head low.

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t like you, I liked you from the moment you ran into me, your perfect and I would love for you to be my boyfriend, you’re not detestable and it would mean the world to me if you would” he explained kindly.

“But im…I can’t…I’ve never had a boyfriend before…let alone been in a relationship, im not good for you” I cried.

“Evan I really, really like you, would you please do me the honour of being my boyfriend” he asked holding my hands in his, I couldn’t help but blush, he giggled a little when he noticed me turn into a tomato.

“y-yes” I replied.

“I like you Evan so much, you won’t regret this, and I’ll be the best damn first boyfriend ever” he said practically jumping up and down.

“I might not regret it but you will” I said thinking depressing things again.

“What do you mean?” he asked concerned.

“Come on, im a freak, you won’t be happy with me, you’ll change your mind very soon” I sobbed.

Jeremy’s POV

“I might regret it but you will” he sobbed deep in thought.

“What do you mean?” I asked upset.

“come on, im a freak, you won’t be happy with me, you’ll change your mind very soon” he sobbed as he moved away from me, I felt myself get full of anger, is that really how he sees himself, I hate this, I really like him and he doesn’t believe it, I have to prove it to him.

“Evan please don’t think like that, I do like you , I like you a lot, if I didn’t like you how could I do this” I said as I leaned in and placed my hands on his neck and face, I brushed my thumb across his cheek, he shivered and his face turned red, I have never been so horny in my life, god I wanted him, although I have never dated a guy I knew that I was gay and this boy was going to be mine.

I slowly leaned in and brushed my lips across his, they were warm and soft, for a male I wouldn’t have thought it possible but it was, and I wanted more, I licked his lower lip for entrance but he denied me, well two can play at that game I snickered as I moved my hand to his nipple and gently squeezed, as he moaned I stuck in my tongue, we fought for dominance as our tongues collided melting each other, Evan gave up and I won, after a minute of that he pulled away and wiped is mouth as he panted trying to catch his breath.

“See, I told you, I really like you” I smiled remembering the taste of his lips, they tasted so sweet I wanted more, I could barely contain myself.

“Ok, I’ll be your boyfriend” he smiled nervously.

“Yes” I said laughing, I was so happy I could barely contain myself and then I remembered his wrist and the cuts.

“Evan can I ask you something?” I asked curious.

“Sure” he smiled, it was nice seeing him smile.

“Why do you do it…cut I mean?” I asked curiously wanting to know why.

“It’s a long story…” he replied.

“Could you tell me” I pressed.

“Maybe another time, im not comfortable with telling right now” he explained.

“Ok so long as you tell me another time” I agreed.

“Ok” he said.

“But I do have a favour to ask, can you promise me you won’t cut again” I begged.

“I can’t” he sighed.

“Please promise you won’t cut…for me” I pleaded.

“I can’t promise you that, but I’ll try it’s the best I can promise right now” he sobbed.

“Ok it’s a start but we will work on that” I grinned.

“o-o-ok, hey it looks like my parents are home” he said looking out my bedroom window, I felt a pang in my chest because he would have to leave.

“But you said you would stay over, mum said you could” I sighed.

“I know, I am staying over, I was just stating that they are home” he laughed, I was so happy he laughed.

We stayed up until my mom came home and then we went to bed, Evan slept on my bed and I sleep on the air bed on the ground, the bed was big enough for us both but who knows what I would have done to Evan when he was right next to me unguarded.

I stayed up and watched him sleep for a while, I couldn’t believe he is mine now, I am so happy.

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