Caller Number Thirty

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     I open my eyes to the bright light peeking through my blinds. I must have cried myself to sleep, well it's nothing unusual. My head turns quickly as I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in.." I call out with a raspy voice. The door opens to reveal Paula with a breakfast tray in her grasp. " Hailie, I brought you some tea, a plum, and some tissues. I know that's what you like when you are upset." she said quietly as she set down the tray on the end of my bed. " Thank you..What makes you think...that I'm upset?" I question, smiling, but I already know the answer. She shakes her head laughing under her breath. "Everyone was calling me asking if you were alright, and I heard you crying last night. I didn't want to bother you so I decided to wait until morning so we could have a bit of chit-chat" I look out to my window again and smile slightly knowing the fact that my neighbors do care. Although this is a very rare occasion I don't really mind it that much.

     She hands me the cup of tea and I sip it slowly, taking in the strong aroma of Jasmine and sugar. "When I picked it up at the store I made sure it wasn't that stuff you don't like." I smile again and set down the cup and reach out my arms to embrace my loving friend. "Thank you, I really needed that" I whisper barely audible into her ear. She pulls away and stands up. "I should be off now, work and all. If you need me just call, and if I don't answer you know Stephen is always willing to talk." she says walking out the door turning back with a wink. I laugh and shoo her away. Stephen is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. But honestly I feel hes so nice, too safe and generous. So I try to stick away from him, considering whenever I'm within twenty feet of him he hounds me with stories and questions.

     I laid in my bed for another half hour or so, sipping my tea bit by bit. While listening to the radio. The practiced voice of the stations "entertainment" announcer rang through my room. I was about to turn off my stereo when I heard six words I have longed to hear forever. " tickets to meet One Direction!!" my heart started to beat faster of the mention of my favorite band. I kept listening "All you need to do is dial this number and if you are caller number thirty you win! lf the lines are busy remember try again! You could be lucky." the man says almost too enthusiastically. I grab my phone quickly and dial the number he reads out. An automated voice says I'm caller fifteen, I quickly hang up and redial. I await the number anxiously and hear the number sixty. My heart sinks and I hang up the phone. I was too late...Maybe if I would have waited to call the first time I would have been caller thirty. Forget it, stuff like that doesn't happen to me.

     Tears begin to well in my eyes as I hear again the voice of the radio announcer. Saying that they had a caller, Stacy Rapton. My mouth drops open immediately, her father owned that radio station. She probably made him give it to her! "That dirty little..." my speech was interrupted by my ring tone. It was Paula. I answer and before I reply she starts rambling on about how she heard the radio and she could tell I had tried. I cry over the phone and reach for the breakfast try still sitting on my bed. I grab a few tissues and wipe my eyes then dropping them down to wherever they land. "I'm so sorry...I know you tried. I would have but I'm at work. I heard it when I walked past the break room. I really would want to go to that too... its all Stacy's fault! Why does she have to be so mean to everyone. She doesnt even like One Direction!!" I nod but I know she can't see. She tells me her boss is coming and she has to go before she gets into trouble. I barely respond and she's gone.

     It's nice that she called...I think to myself. I figure I should go out and do something. Slowly I climb out of my bed. As I approach my mirror I realize how terrible I look...Oh well. I run a comb through my dirty blond hair making it look presentable. I grab my makeup bag and walk to the bathroom, when I get there I put on foundation and a couple coats of mascara. As I walk out I look into the mirror again and look at what I'm wearing. I forgot I'm only wearing a shirt and panties. I sigh and walk back to my room quickly. I look into my closet and grab gray shorts, a blue tank top and white cardigan. I look around searching for my purse and finally find it in a pile of laundry. I check off all my things I could quite possibly need and head out.

     I grab my bike once again and begin to pedal back to where I happened to be last night. I saw a group of people that live on the other, more modern, side of the town. They had so much more money than me...they had better looks too. I ride towards them considering that's the only way to my special place in the forest. I try to go around them but they started to take notice to me and I start to pedaling faster trying to make it without talking to them. I certainly wasn't in the mood for any type of conversation. I hear the sadly familiar voice of Stacy amongst the calls for my name. I refuse to look back but I hand grabs my shoulder and jerks me back. I look behind me quickly and see her boyfriend, John, grabbing hold of me. Isn't this great, the last thing I want to do is associate with that scumbag and her boy toy.

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