chapter 3: Sensible girl

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"Cassandra! Natasha! Get your ass out here right now!" Marco shouted as I cringed at the tone of his voice. I guess he found out what happened. Not that I expected him not to find out.

Taking a deep breath I grabbed Natasha's hand and walked in the direction of our doom.

"Why are you yelling? And whatever you think we did, we didn't do it." I said with an innocent smile on my face. At the age of twenty-two, I'm a skilled liar and a child stuck in an adults body. Not really. But I would like others to think so.

I watched in amusement as Marco glared invisible daggers at us as Natasha busy herself looking at nothing. She was trying to act as if she had no part to play in Marco's sudden irritated and angry look.

"You didn't do it, huh? So can you explain to me why I have a grown ass man crying fat tears like someone just killed Kevin inside of my brand new kitchen? Which might I add is in flames." Marco exclaimed as he pointed an accusing finger at us. I rolled my eyes at his behavior. This was probably the fifth time in months that this happened and he's still surprised? He should have learned his lesson the first two times it happened. And before you start thinking we killed a kid named Kevin, we didn't. Kevin is Chef Daniel's pet hamster. Yeah, he's a grown man with a hamster. Very manly.

I'm sure you're wondering why is a kitchen on fire and why is the owner just yelling instead of throwing these chicks in the slammer? Is the owner crazy? He could be a little wack in the head but as I said before this isn't the first fire Natasha and I accidentally started. Not, that you could blame us.

I mean us "trying" to cook, is like inviting the devil into your house and expecting him to be good. It's totally pointless. It's like God himself knew that we would be walking fire hazards but decided to ignore it. We just naturally suck at cooking. I'm pretty sure even kitchens are screaming when we enter the room, asking the heavens why me? Is this really the end? Yeah, so if you have a kitchen which I'm sure you do, never and I mean never let us in it. It's like bringing Karma into your life.

Of course, this time the fire wasn't intentional nor accidental. You could probably say it was a little of both. The main reason being that my little "argument" with that asshat Xander and his bitchy side kick Ryan had a teeny tiny bit to play in the reason behind the flaming kitchen. Ok, that's a lie. It was the main reason for it.

As you can guess our argument wasn't a walk in the park. Unless consider it Jurassic Park. Then sure it was peachy. But back to the point. Apparently, Xander was looking for a cheap whore to buy. Well, he didn't say exactly that. But that's how I interpreted it. I mean he literally took out a contract and check worth 2 million dollars to bribe me into "marrying" him. Which is a big No-no for me. Why?

Because 1) I'm not a cheap whore although with that stack of cash I would probably become one, however, that is beside the point. 2) That's no way to ask someone to "help you" after you basically insulted their existence by calling them an uneducated, below average worker. And yes, those were his exact words when he made his so-called proposal because he knew I needed the money. Of course, he was right about my family needing the money. And what he was offering was more than I could make in a year but that didn't give him the right to insult the way I lived or the people I worked for. My life may not be perfect but it was still my life.

After all his insults and belittling he probably thought I would still fall on my knees and thank him for his generous offer. Like he literally expected me to do a happy dance and kissed the ground he walked on. Ryan even asked if I wasn't going to do it, to which I almost punched him. Not that it would have had any harm on him. I'm told I punch like a baby.

Of course, I always do the opposite of what people expect. I flat out refused his offer and told him where he could put that contract. Which, of course, angered him and led to us having another heated argument. Which in return led to everyone showing up and trying to prevent me from committing murder. I had completely disregarded the fact that he could easily have my ass thrown in jail and decided I was going to put his gorgeous face through the window.

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