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When I was 15 I started college in Italy while there I met my mates and couldn't be happier. I told my mom and she was not very happy she tried to do a spell on me to prevent me from going near my mates but my father found out and stopped her he was happy I found my mates. I later found out my mom was trying to get my powers to give to Bella my younger sister because she didn't come into her powers yet. My mother loved Bella more than me and it upset me but after finding my mates it didn't really bother me as much Bella Love's me and we are really close she just came into her powers and I couldn't be happier.  I stopped ageing when I hit my 23rd birthday. I thought I would never have kids do to my mates being vampires but on my wedding day my father told me that since I wasn't a vampire I can still have kids with my mates. I sent my mother and sister an invitation to the wedding but they never showed my father told me that Bella called him because our mother wouldn't allow her to come to my wedding so I told dad that once she was away from mom I would have another wedding so she would be there. A year after the wedding I got pregnant with twin girls my father found out and came to visit us. I haven't seen Isabella since I left for college my father told me that she was raped and had a daughter that she named Elizabeth Annabelle Marie swan. He also told me that she moved to forks and got involved with the Cullen's. The Cullen's are good people expect for Edward he tried to tell me we were mates but his gifts didn't work on me because I was to powerful he doesn't know what I am but he believes that once I was changed I would be powerful the thing is vampire venom doesn't do anything  to us it will hurt us for a day or two but that's It and that's only if you haven't mated with your mate's it wouldn't change us. We are already immortal so there is no need to be changed. My family is the last of our kind and that's because we are royalty for all witch's and the only way to kill us is to kill our mate's and that's even more impossible after we mated to our mate's. I love it in Italy and never thought of leaving but also I can't leave forever because I am know Queen of the vampires it's confusing when Jane and Alec calls me princess because they are witch's when they were changed they lost their powers because of their parents using an illegal spell I was able to give them their powers back and they were really happy caius hate's when they call me princess because I am also there queen but luckily aro explained to him that they were witch's before vampires so I would always be there princess until my father steps down as king. I love my family even my mom I have tried to get her to be in my children's lives I even took them to visit her and all she said was I was not welcome and that she never wants to see me or my children ever again my grandparents and sister was there and they decided to take my mom's Powers away and split I up and give them to me and Isabella. Mom started to hate Isabella after that so she decided to live with our Father. You see after you loose your powers you become completely human meaning you loose your immortality. I am happy Isabella got away from our mother but I still wish our mother wasn't like that she used to love us then I came into my powers early and she started hating me and loved Bella when Bella never got her powers she tried to take mine but my father new Isabella was a late Bloomer like he was. My mother thought that you were weaker if you are a late Bloomer when in reality you aren't you just have more time for your body to get used to having a magical core which in turn will help you control your powers  better. I have been busy with being Queen to the vampires and princess to the witch's but Jane and Alec helps as much as they can once my father steps down Isabella and I decided to combine the two kinds witch's and vampires being ruled by five or more people. We thought it would be easier that way instead of me having two different kinds to rule over.  Even if I had Isabella's help it would still be hard on me. 


Hi my name is Isabella Marie swan but I prefer Bella this story is how my sister saved me from being used. I miss Annabelle but I see her every once in awhile I also see my niece's no one but my family knows that I am a mother because it would cause more problems than we need so everyone thinks Elizabeth is my younger sister. After the Cullen's left I started to get depressed. Alice decided to throw a party I got a paper cut while opening a present and Edward looked ready to attack but Jasper was thought to be the one about to attack when It was actually Edward Jasper was trying to get to Edward before he attacked and then I tried to say thanks and Jasper said why are you thanking me i attacked you. From then on I realized something was up but I just let it go I know the truth about what happened that day before they left and that's all that matters this is were the story begins.

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