two | rules and contest setup

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Contest setup:

More or less, all judging will be done by me. This is because, in my opinion, it's the most fair way to do it-if three different people all judged the same category, and one is a much more lenient judge than the others, the books that judge gets will probably get higher scores, regardless of if they deserved them or not, compared to the others. I'm judging all categories to eliminate any potential bias or other issues.

HOWEVER, if you want to judge a genre, you may. It must be a different genre than the one you are entered in, and you must do all 30 books, for the reasons I mentioned in the paragraph above. However, all 30 entrants will be required to follow you, so that's a perk there. If you want to judge a genre, make an inline comment


with the name of the genre that you would like to judge.

However, I won't be waiting for judges, so if a genre fills up and there's nobody that signed up to judge it, I'll just do it.

That being said, to keep this moving:

The first round will be based solely on the first chapter, title, summary, and cover. This is because the first chapter (besides the summary, which, if I'm being honest, is the very first thing someone reads about your book) the first 'taste' of your writing and storyline that a potential reader will get, and if it doesn't hook the writer right away, they probably won't continue.

There will be 30 entires for each category. You may enter up to two books per category and any amount overall.

Fifteen entries (those with the lowest scores) will be eliminated in the first round.

This first round will be quick, and besides the obvious plot and such, I (and the other judges) will be paying a lot of attention to grammar and spelling.

I know English isn't everyone's first language and I understand that sometimes it's difficult (and props to you for speaking multiple languages; I've been trying to learn Polish and Russian and it is difficult) but Wattpad is majorly English, I (the judge) speak English, and a big turn-off in books is improper grammar and spelling. I get it that people make mistakes, and a few slipups here or there won't be a giant issue, but if many sentences have spelling mistakes or lack of punctuation or who knows what, then you'll probably be eliminated quickly.

The second round will be judged based on the next two chapters, and ten more entires will be eliminated based on the same criteria as the first (general plot, enjoyment, readability, etc).

This leaves five entries, which will be judged more holistically, on the next two chapters, so five will be read overall.

All categories will be listed on the next chapter.


You must follow this account and add the book to a public reading list (so others can see this awards) and your library (so you can get updates).

If your genre has a judge, which will be mentioned in the Judges chapter and in the genre chapter, you MUST follow them as well. Failure to do so will result in a lot of points being lost.

Following my account lepus_leporis is not mandatory, but I would love it if you read some of my work! I have a historical fiction and a few short stories over there.

You may enter up to two (2) books per category/genre and as many as you want overall, but each individual book only once. For example, if you have a vampire romance, you cannot enter it into vampire and romance.

No fanfiction is allowed. Sorry about this, but this is because I'm not familiar with every book/TV series/band out there, and I probably can't judge them accurately if I don't know what it's based off of. That being said, if you write a fanfic but the only connection it has to what it's based on is the same characters and it can stand alone as its own story, you may enter it in a category it fits in.

There is no short story category. This is for a few reasons:
Firstly, this is chapter-by-chapter judging, and short stories often have less than five chapters, and
Secondly, a lot of times I see 'short stories' in these contests that have dozens of chapters. I suppose my definition of 'short' is different than yours, but I don't think short stories should take hours to read.

If you do have a short story that meets the first criteria, you can probably enter it into the other contest on this account, the Short Short Story Awards.

If your story meets the second criteria and fits into another category, feel free to enter it there!

LGBT is allowed. However, there is not a specific 'LGBT' category; put your stories in romance, or action, or whatever the actual story falls under.

Mature is not allowed if it falls in the first five chapters. I don't want to read full smut. Mentions of sexual things is alright, and romance is, of course, okay, but anything extreme is not allowed if it's in the first five chapters.

The password for this contest is lightbulb.

The tag section of the form is where you tag other wattpad users who may want to enter this contest, not where you put the tags of your book (#vampires #lovestory #halloween) etc.

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