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"What did you do to her!" My head shot up off whatever I was sleeping on, my eyelids too sluggish to open. I groaned and let my head fall back down.
"She couldn't walk back thanks to Sol," I heard Jaxon say. Someone grumbled something before I heard the foot steps fade away.
"Is she dehydrated?" It was Summer's voice. I tried again, letting my eyelids pop open one at a time. I was still on Jaxon's back, wrapped around him like a kola on a tree. I awoke quickly, unlatching myself from his body.
"I could use some water and maybe a banana if you have one?" I watched as Summer thought for a second before leaving for the kitchen. My legs were throbbing as I took the few steps to the closest couch, flopping face first into it.
"Did you have a nice nap?" Jaxon asked, his voice sounding close. I mumbled a yes into the couch. "What was that?"
I turned my head to see him sitting on the floor next to me, hand cuffing his ear so he could hear me better.
"I said yes. I'm sorry you had to carry me." I did feel bad. Walking three miles with a heavy human on your back is not the ideal situation. Jaxon just shrugged, like this was normal and happened on the daily.
"It was my exercise for the day," he said, flexing his arm under the yellow tee shirt he wore. I let myself look over at his arm for the slightest second before I rolled my eyes and put my face back into the couch.
Summer returned with a large glass of cold water and a perfectly ripped banana. I sat up, greedily accepting both. She sat on the couch next to me, making sure I drank enough. I began to feel guilty about last night.
"Uhm, Summer?" Her dark eyes met mine as I swallowed the food in my mouth. "I need to tell you something." She sat still, waiting for me to go on. Jaxon was watching with curiosity from the floor. "I was in your body last night, at the pool."
"Have you ever been in mine?" Ray shrieked from the doorway where he stood. With a quick no in his direction, I turned back to Summer expecting her to be angry or upset.
She was smiling.
"No way. Could you like, read my thoughts?" I shook my head no. "Did you mean for it to happen?"
"No. It has only happened twice and I have no control over it," I admitted.
"What's it feel like?" She leaned forward, eyes twinkling with interest. I could feel Jaxon observing me now from where he sat.
"Before it happens I get this rush of chills through me then a burst of heat then next thing I know I'm staring at myself."
Ray let out a low whistle as he moved onto the couch across from me. "That would be crazy to see yourself through someone else's eyes."
I only nodded because it was. You only see pictures of yourself or your reflection in a mirror. You don't get to see yourself how you see everyone else in the world. But I can. I get to see myself as everyone else sees me.
"I didn't even feel anything! Wow we have to practice or something," Summer gushed. I could see in my peripheral vision Jaxon nodding slowly deep in thought. I was relieved she wasn't angry.
"We will discuss it with the queen when she returns tonight. She may have plans," Jaxon said, pushing himself off the floor to stand.
"Mom would of told us by now if she..." Summer trailed off once she saw the look Jaxon was giving her after my jaw plopped down leaving my mouth agape. Ray was causally leaving the room, grabbing Sol's arm and stopping him from walking in. They walked out together.
Their mother was the queen of the Sunset lands. They were the prince and princess of it. The sun on his chest meant so much more than the others. That's why it was placed over his heart. That's what all the weird looks where about, this was what he was hiding.
"She was going to find out eventually," Summer whispered, sinking into the couch under her brothers glare.
"You guys are royalty," I said, stupidly. Jaxon finally turned to look at me. "That's why we're in this castle." His gray eyes watched me work through every thought I had. "The tattoos, everything. How did I not notice?" I mumbled to myself, seeing every sign so clearly now.
With a flick of his wrist, Jaxon dismissed Summer who gladly ran from the room. He took her place on the couch next to me.
"I didn't want you to feel-"
"Why the hell would they send a prince on a mission for over a year?" I cut him off, my mind racing.
"I volunteered."
"Why?" I watched as his head tilted slightly.
"I wanted to see for myself if it was true. If we were really going to kidnap someone who possessed some sort of magic that no one else did. My duties here are limited, my mother still fully in charge. I get bored sometimes, maybe I just wanted a change of scenery," his smile was soft, playful.
All I could think about was how they just let him do it. The queen in the Winter lands would have a stroke if I ever left the castle just for a walk to clear my head. Everything was so strict.
His smile faded as he said, "she doesn't run things like that queen does. I'm allowed to live my own life. I can be free. Besides, I'm the queen's most trustworthy spy." He winked. He knew he got his way because it was his own mother. I liked her already.
"What didn't you want me to feel?" I asked about his comment from earlier that I cut him off on.
"I didn't want you to dislike me because of my status. Now that you're just a regular person with a burning hatred for the only royalty you knew, I didn't want-"
"Jaxon," I cut him off again. His lips were sealed tight as I spoke his name, his eyes focused on mine. "Firstly, I'm not just a regular person now. You just wait till I can control my power and jog more than two miles." His smile was blinding. I couldn't look away and found myself smiling back. I didn't fight it. "Secondly, royalty or the bottom of the pyramid, I could never hate you. You saved me from a hell I didn't know I was living in." I watched as his began to glow the softest orange. "You gave me the chance to feel alive. I will always love you for that." I leaned in, my hand resting on the couch in front of his bent leg so he could face me. I pressed my lips against his cheek, the smell of him wafting up my nose as I kissed his soft skin.
"Can I come back in or... oh. Should I?" I fell back into the couch cushion, seeing Summer stand in the doorway with a massive grin on her face.
"Excuse me," Jaxon said to me before leaping over the back of the couch and chasing his squealing sister down the hallway.
"I see you took my advice." I jumped so high I fell off the couch. As I laid on my back looking at the ceiling, a pair of violet eyes appeared above me.
"Hello would of worked fine," I stated, pushing away his hand that was offered and got off the ground myself. Sol laughed, plopping onto the couch where I sat just a moment ago.
"I can see the wedding now-" I cut him off, swinging a red pillow right into his face. I could hear his muffled laughter from underneath it and Summer's shrieks echoing through the hall. Jaxon's laughter mixed in and my heart warmed. Everything was perfect.

Hours later I was standing in a pile of clothes in my closet. Nothing was good enough. What do you wear to meet a queen who saved your life? Yes, the dress code here was much more relaxed but I had to dress up for this. Right? Out of respect. I screamed, kicking at the clothes at my feet. They fell back to the ground with a light thump.
"What are you screaming for?" Summer's head popped around the open door to the closet. She took a look at all the clothes surrounding me and nodded in acknowledgement.
"I have no idea what to wear," I moaned, staring at the swirls of colors beneath me. Summer stepped her way in, careful not to step on anything. Her hair was done in the soft curls again, two braids going over her head to keep the hair out of her face. Good, I wasn't crazy. This was a formal thing.
"You probably won't find any magical dresses in here. We'll have to talk to the seamstress about that soon. Stay here." She bounced over the clothes and left me standing in my mess. Hanging this back up will take me forever. Before I could scream again, she returned holding a gown.
My jaw dropped as my eyes roamed over the dress. It was too beautiful. It was a bold orange that would stand strongly against my hair. The cut across the chest was straight with no straps. It tightened at the waist before flaring out into  a ballgown, but what I loved most about it was the cut in the front. It was not a full skirt, for the front was open to show off my legs and the same colored orange mini skirt that would end above my knees.
"If you don't like it I can find another one?" Summer's voice rose in question as I stood staring at the dress. I quickly shook my head no and stomped through the clothes on the floor to touch it. Soft silk.
"No. This is... it's beyond gorgeous," I whispered. Summer's face lit with a smile as I took it off her. I smiled too.
She left to finish getting ready herself. In the bathroom I stripped down and slipped on the love of my life. It fit like a glove. I stared in the reflection at the dress I could not get enough of, now paired with deep red heels that matched my hair. Crystal studs were in my ears and a beautiful, sparkling necklace filling the blank space on my chest. My skin was glowing with the sun that I received this morning. My legs looked so long in the cut in the front. My hair was curled into an updo, a few pieces curled around my face to frame it. I stepped out into my room and twirled, laughing to myself. Who knew I would love ballgowns again?
"Solstice? Are you ready... wow." Ray stood in my doorway dressed in a bland tuxedo gawking at me. His yellow hair seemed even brighter against the black.
"How do I look?" I twirled again just because I could and I wanted to. Ray smiled, soaking in the happiness that I was radiating.
"You look like you're the one who rules these lands. Might even give Jaxon a stroke." I found myself blushing at his strong compliment. I finally looked like I belonged. I stepped forward, my leg popping out from the full skirt as I walked towards Ray.
I looped my arm through his awaiting one and said, "that would be rather interesting." Ray laughed softly.
"Rather interesting, Indeed."

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