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Frosts stared wildly at Jaxon, the only thing familiar to him was the undeniable hair. Jaxon crouched in nothing but a pair of black shorts.
"You," Frosts growled, pushing off the broken pieces to stand. "I should of killed you then."
"I'm here now," Jaxon replied cooly. Frosts lunged for him then, but Jaxon met him in the middle. The boom of their bodies colliding shaking the castle. I got out of the bed, unsure of what to do. I tried to reach for anything in Frosts body but was met with nothing more than a black hole. I pounded for his body, never getting passed the wall.
Jaxon was ducking punches too easily, like he did this in his sleep. The muscles in his black flexing as he would form a fist and swing for Frosts's throat.
Do something. Do something. Do something.
I looked around the room, searching anything to throw. My eyes landed on the tall lamp in the corner. I inched back, not catching either of their attention as they tore at each other's throat. I grabbed the pole, inched forward just a few feet before hurling it at Frosts's head with all the strength in my arm. The bulb inside shattered as it connected with his head before the pole hit the ground rattling. His head snapped in my direction, his pupils gone in the black eyes as he snarled his teeth at me. Jaxon took the chance to throw a bone shattering blow to his jaw. I heard the snap all the way across the room as Frosts stumbled to the side.
"I will kill you. Then I will ruin her. I will let her live, but every single day of her life I will remind her how I ended you," Frosts snarled. Jaxon's gray eyes were gone as they burned a flaming yellow as he stared down the Prince of the Winter lands. Frosts didn't turn to Jaxon then, but he turned to me. With one hard step on the floor he was in front of me, crashing his cold lips to mine. I grabbed his hair, tried to pull him back but he wouldn't budge. As fast it came, it was over. Frosts turned to Jaxon, whose shoulders were heaving as he stood shaking.
"Sucks to have a heart, doesn't it?"
Jaxon snarled, charging for Frosts. He hit him right in the chest, sending both of them flying into the other wall. I watched the crack dance up the wall and to the ceiling as they collided with it. They weren't going to stop until this castle was to the ground. I heard another snapping sound that made me jump. Backing away to the corner of the room, I saw Frosts's arm dangling the wrong way. I tried again for his body, his wall smacking me in the face.
"This has been fun, but I'm over it now." I don't know what happened and I will never know because it happened so fast. His hand shot out to Jaxon's chest, doing something but I couldn't see anything. Jaxon just crumbled to the floor, his chest barely rising. I screamed, shoving at Frosts as he kicked at the broken body. Frosts stopped, letting me uselessly run my hands over Jaxon's shoulders and face.
His eyes that concrete gray as he watched the tears stream down my face. I grabbed at his cheeks, his neck.
"You're going to be okay. Okay? I'm going to fix you."
"No. He's going to die. You can't fix it," Frosts said dully behind me. I ignored him, crying harder as Jaxon just held his stomach.
His eye lids became droopy. "I let you down," he whispered, grimacing at whatever pain was in is body.
"No. No. No." My voice cracked.
"I love you, Solstice." His head fell to the ground then. His chest rising, then staying still for a full minute, before falling.
I rose, every bone in my body burning with anger as I stared at Frosts who was rolling his shoulder that held the broken arm. I screamed, letting all the energy and hatred fuel my body and give me the strength to fight him. A flash of blinding light arose from around me as I yelled.
Frosts stood, shielding his eyes from the light. I ran for the wall... and hit nothing. He was distracted.
I looked at the scene from his eyes. I was standing tall and strong, my eyes glowing like the suns itself. Jaxon was broken on the floor, barely breathing, but his eyes very aware of where I truly was.
Get. Out.
Make me.
I ignored the hard pushes that wanted me out of the body. I walked slowly over to the balcony of the room. Pushing open the french doors, a wave of freezing air hit me. I looked down at the sharp rocks that surrounded the entirety of the building. Five floors separated the ground from Frosts's body.
"No," Jaxon choked out, trying and failing to push himself off the ground.
"It's the only way," I said.
This won't kill me.
I can feel the worry. It will.
"What if you're too far from your body?" Jaxon coughed, blood spilling from his mouth.
"It'll be okay." My voice shook. I had no idea if this would work, but for Jaxon's life I would try. "It'll kill him."
"But what if it kills you?" He screamed, more blood pooling on the ground beneath him.
"I love you, Jaxon Gray," I said, staring into those beautiful eyes as if it was the last thing I would remember.
Then I was falling.
The bone chilling breeze whipped at his body as we fell, the night sky filled with stars that gleamed on the snow.
"This is for you, Bells," I whispered, watching one story appear before me, then two. His blood was pounding in his veins as we both watched the third story pass us.
Have fun in hell.
I was out of his body as the top of the first floor window came into view.

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