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I stared at the wispy blue figure in front of me. She was smiling, beautiful angel wings over her shoulders.
"Bells?" I gasped. Her smile grew.
"The snow angel I sent to watch over you? Turned out to be me." I choked on a cry as her finger traced my cheek. "I'm always here. Talk to the moon if you need me, Solstice."

I was back in the destroyed room, Jaxon screaming at the top of his lungs with his eyes glued to the balcony. I listened through his screams to the loud communication below. People were confused. I felt for the void that was Frosts and felt nothing but myself.
I did it.
I collapsed onto my knees next to Jaxon who had suddenly fell silent. His eyes were opened, unmoving. I shook his arm to receive no reaction.
"Jaxon?" I choked. "JAXON!" I shook his shoulders fiercely. My heart stopped as I stared at his chest that was not rising... or falling. "No. We're going back home together. You are not leaving me!" I smacked his cheek. My hand stung as I stared at the lifeless gray eyes through blurry tears.
I felt for his heart finding no beat, no life. Heavy cries escaped my mouth as I fought for his heart, trying to find it. Minutes must of passed as I screamed, punching his chest, and bawling.
Finally, I felt it. It was cold with not a single beat left, but I found it. I reached out so fast I almost missed it. I had no idea what to do. Aurora never even thought about teaching me to revive a heart. Because she couldn't.
I searched my body for help, holding onto his heart for dear life. With no plan, I squeezed it. I kept squeezing it until I felt so tired I might just collapse onto the floor.
"DAMN IT, JAXON!" I screamed, throwing the heart onto the ground and crying once again. My head fell onto his chest, my tears rolling off of my face and onto his body.
My head rose, then fell. I thought I was hallucinating as I shot up, staring at his chest. It rose, then fell.
He coughed.
His eyes flickered open as he coughed again.
"Jaxon," I whispered, grabbing his face to look at him. His eyes widen as they met mine. His hand with very little strength, made it's way to my knee.
"You did it. You killed him," he said, his voice scratchy. I nodded, unable to speak through the tears. "You saved me." I only nodded again, staring into the beautiful eyes I thought I lost forever. His palm landed on my cheek, his thumb rubbing away the tears as they fell.
"You saved me," I repeated, my voice cracking along the way. "I love you, Jaxon." His smile made my heart race. The idea of him being so precious.
"I love you." He sat up, easier to move as his heart pumped strong in his body.
"Don't you ever do that to me again!" I screamed, punching his shoulder weakly. His smile faded as he pulled me into his lap. My chest was heavy as I clung to him, refusing to let go.
"I can say the same," he said into my ear before planting a kiss behind it.
"I would of done it. To save you," I whispered. My grip on his shorts tightened. I was afraid if I let go he would be gone.
He grabbed my chin lightly in his hands, turning my face to look at his. "A beautiful sunset warrior."

Getting from that room to the car outside the border was a blur. I remember his arm over my shoulders, my arm around his waist to help him walk through the castle.
Hue had stopped me before we left. With a hug and a promise of seeing me soon, he went off to deal with the tragic accident that killed the prince.
Lila had given us a ride to the border. She kept glancing at me in the rear view mirror as she drove. I was too busy fussing over Jaxon to care. Before I got out, she thanked me for freeing her. I sent her off with my best wishes.
I sat Jaxon carefully in the passenger seat after spending twenty minutes fighting over who would drive. So now here I was, a few short miles away from the castle that I called my home. Jaxon had fallen asleep, stretching his long legs out with his head resting against his shoulder. I checked every three minutes for movement in his chest.
When I turned to check again, his head was still resting on his shoulders, but now he was watching me with a lazy smile on his lips.
"I'm fine now," he said. I checked anyways which earned me a chuckle.
"I just have to make sure," I said softly. The stars here gave enough light on the road to barely need my headlights. It was magical.
"Are you ready?" He asked as I turned down the street that ended with the castle.
"For what?" I asked, looking over at his tan cheeks for a second before turning back to the road.
"To go home." He said so simply. It was true. These lands were my home and those people waiting for me were my family. I nodded, fighting back the tears that wanted to go for a show. His hand landed on my thigh and stayed there for the rest of the drive.

I was bombarded by hugs with so many people talking at once I did not hear a single word out of anyones mouth. Jaxon's face was twisted with confusion, experiencing the same problem. Summer pushed Ray out of the way and into a wall so she could bring me into a spine breaking hug.
"I am never letting you go!" She cried into my shoulder. I only smiled, rubbing her back and letting her hug me for as long as she needed.
Aurora stood between us, eyes curious. Jaxon sighed, running a hand through his messy hair.
"She did it," he said. Aurora's smile was filled with pride and hope as she pulled me from Summer's grasp and hugged both of us. She kissed the top of my head before her sons as she gave us a squeeze.
"I am so proud of you," she said to both of us.
"Don't you ever leave me again," Sol ordered, bringing me in for his turn. I laughed into his chest.
"I don't plan to." I looked over at Jaxon as Summer gave him a hug. He was watching me over her shoulder. His smile made me grateful for every snow angel that has lead me to here, to him.
By the time we finished discussing the near three days we were there, it was nearly sunrise. I was exhausted, my eyelids too heavy for me to keep open.
"You revived him?" Aurora asked in utter disbelief. I nodded, leaning into Jaxon's shoulder. I never wanted to be out of his touch. I was afraid to be without it.
"You can bring people back from the dead?!" Ray yelped. Sol smacked him upside the head as I nodded again. I had done a lot of nodding.
"You are too amazing, Solstice. It is an honor to have you home," the queen said. I choked on a breath as she bowed before me.
"You fell to your death and lived," Summer whispered. Jaxon's hand tightened on my knee at the memory that would long haunt him.
"She's just a goddess, I know," Jaxon said instead of whatever he was thinking. I smiled up at him.
Nearly an hour later after all final discussion and another round of hugs, I was finally back in my bed. I wiggled on the mattress, letting it suck me in. The curtains fought back the sun that was rising and threatening to spill into my room.
Jaxon stirred next to me, already drifting away into his dreams. I rolled onto my side, staring at the face I never wanted to go a day without. I couldn't help myself as I pressed a hand to his cheek. His face was warm, back to his usual self. I glanced down at his chest that was rising and falling with ease. His hand moved to rest on mine as I looked back up at him. His eyes were foggy with tiredness, but still he watched me.
"I don't want to every have a day where you aren't in it," I whispered, kissing his nose. He smiled, pulling me close to his body as he rested his head on mine.
"That will never happen. Rest, Solstice." His voice was warm and comforting as I closed my eyes. He traced the familiar circle on my back until I couldn't feel it anymore, drifting too far into my sleep.

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