Cover Up

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Hello, loves! I'm pretty happy that I'm finally doing imagines! I have a hard time keeping up with one story and often get bored. I have so many ideas that I want to share, I feel like this is truly the best for me and my writing style. But I am still going to continue writing full moon! It's so unique and I have so much planned. I only have one chapter out right now but so many are in progress so please stay tuned with that book!
I hope you enjoy these imagines, also a warning not all story's will have a romantic partner. Some a friend, co-worker, young fan!
Thrad Era
July 1985: Captain EO

You were so worried.

You even lost your train of thought, starring at your reflection in the mirror.

"You can do this (Y/N), treat him like you would a regular client" you said to yourself over and over, not braking your trance with your reflection.

Your roommate Zoey looked over at you with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Uhm, (Y/N).. are you okay? You know you have to be on set in.." Zoey looked down at her watch.

"In 20 minutes! Come on (Y/N), can't keep your client waiting" she said while looking around for her keys.

You broke your trance with the mirror and started laughing like a mad man while turning to face Zoey.

When you were finally face to face with her you widened your eyes drastically.

"Except he is not just some normal everyday client Zoey! I absolutely adore him" you said while grabbing her hand and dragging a reluctant Zoey to your room.

"My infatuation with him is going to get in the way with my work, Zoey. Look at this! If I get the reputation of being the 'fan girl makeup artist', this huge opportunity will ruin my career instead of bettering it" you said while pointing to your poster covered walls.

Zoey laughed and turned on her heels, continuing her search.

Angered by her lack of response you follow her, right on her heels.

"Zoey how are you so calm about all of this!" You shouted while ripping a banana off its bundle.

"What can I say, I'm just calm, cool and collected" she shrugged with her eyes closed and lips pursed.

You follow Zoey out of the house and down the stairs. You were still in utter shock at her reaction to this whole situation. It is not everyday that you got the chance to be an icons makeup artist. In your mind, Zoey was acting as if it was someone's great aunt you were about to work for, like you were the one overreacting.

"Calm, cool and collected my ass Zoey! When we went to the Prince concert you almost died due to hyperventilation. How do you explain that?" You said while arching your brow.

Zoey darts her head back at you, stopping her rapid movement down the stairs.

"(Y/N).. but that's Prince" she said while giving you a 'know it all' expression.

Your eyes bulged out of your head as you scoffed at her. You decided it was better to stop arguing with your roommate and get to your job.

You opened the car door and slowly made your way into the seat glaring at Zoey as she walked over to the drivers seat.

Zoey chuckled as she buckled her seatbelt.

Unamused, you crossed your arms and quickly turned the radio on. You turn to yours and Zoey's favourite station, in hopes of decreasing the 'serious' tension between the both of you.

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