Sweet Lady

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Okay, you ready mama? This one's for you mjscurls01

HIStory Era: 1998

"Satin suits you well, baby girl" Michael's pointer finger slid down my shoulder down to my forearm.

My cheeks reddened at his new- found pet name for me.

"Red suits you, it brings out your complexion" I complimented back.

I focused on my reflection as I traced my lips with a pale- pink liner. I attempted to bend over as little as possible to cause the least amount of temptation as possible.

"Why are you standing like that?" Michael's brows dipped as his mouth formed a playful smirk.

"Because" I glared through the mirror.

"Oh, come on" he grasped my hips and pulled me backward. I tried to gather myself and stand up straight. Michael laughed at my shocked expression, and lowered his hands on my body. He rubbed my thighs through the satin fabric. It felt soothing on my skin.

"Michael.." I laughed breathlessly. "I really want to go to this concert. I've never been to any other than yours."

He squished his lips together and lowered his brows. "Mine don't suffice?" His hands slapped his forearms as they folded.

I put down my lip-liner and rubbed my lips together as I turned towards him. "Did I say that?" My left eyebrow arched. A smile grew on his face- he always loved when I looked at him like that, I've never understood why.

"You didn't have to" he laughed as I pulled him in for a hug. His cheek rested on my head and his arm ran down my back in a soothing manner. "I'm excited for after the show just much as you are for the actual performance."

I lifted my head from his chest. "You're naughty" I shook my head.

"No!" He laughed. "I mean, if you want to?" His playful expression turned sensual.

I slapped his chest lightly. "Michael!" I giggled feverishly.

"No, no girl," he pulled me in tighter. "I have the best news, ever" his smile made his sentence sound different- happier even.

I kissed his cheek lightly. I got off my tip-toes and stared him in the eyes. "Well, now I'm excited for after the show as well, sir" I shook his tie.

He flattened it back down into place as I clasped my hand with his spare.

We opened the hotel room and there awaited multiple suited men. "Mrs. Jackson" Bill greeted me. "Doo doo" Bill nodded his head, with a smile as he greeted his boss.

"Only kids call me that, Bill" he teased with a wink.

We descended down the narrow hall with Bill in-front of us. "I mean, I still look youthful" Bill ran the back of his hand down his left cheek.

I shook my head as I giggled. Children.

My hand remained clasped with Michael's as we walked out of the doors. We were blinded by the millions of flashing lights. Michael turned into my body and used his hand to cover my eyes. I tightened my grip on him, trying to gain control in my steps since I couldn't see.

My ankle rolled and I yelped. I was sure I went unnoticed with all the surrounding noise. Michael scooped me up in such a way that no one could gain a view underneath my dress. His hand was conveniently placed underneath my bottom, causing a spark to ignite within my body.

He ducked underneath the microphone that hung over top of us and remained hunched as he placed me into the limousine.

He sat beside me and slammed the door shut. He buckled and wiped his dainty curls from his forehead. I stared at every movement he made. He noticed my gaze and his face formed an innocent grin. "Hey" he tried to snap me out of my prolonged daze.

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